kudos on poking at the app privacy statement. the real interest in this is going to be running it locally on your own server backend.
so, yeah - as usual, apps bad, bad, bad. but the backend is what really matters.
…just this guy, you know.
kudos on poking at the app privacy statement. the real interest in this is going to be running it locally on your own server backend.
so, yeah - as usual, apps bad, bad, bad. but the backend is what really matters.
that was a bright spot in my day. ❤️
thank you.
I imagine, sometimes, its the only way to cope with them. some people get paranoid, some do not. setting and grounding play important roles in this.
I torture it by pointing its webcam at the wall outlet and forcing it to watch its own pull-the-plug execution.
I will be among the first against the wall when the AI revolution comes.
quassel and quasseldroid. its client-server, always on irc connectivity but does require a little setup.
you can access irc servers (if acceptable) and the quassel daemon via Tor. might just change the way you think about irc.
edit: word
just when you are sure this article is going to fluff out on you, it doesn’t.
But how does AI tell when someone is most likely lying? They’re smiling like an American.
I was oddly surprised at how I connected with this article. a useful read in a defining epoch.
you (yes, you in particular) are the reason why STP was invented.
I would normally suggest that this is more “networking porn”, but its just way too fetishistic for regular consumption. you animal!
there are reasons for that.
someone genuinely interested for intellectual reasons would likely not fall for it. I would imagine that a non-trivial percentage of “antiquity enjoyers” are very light on history substance and heavy on history feelz.
once the appropriate brain tickles have been pushed into their heads their “history substance” feed content becomes decidedly propagandized.
what next level fuckery is this?! the text was perfectly spaced to elicit maximum mental “pop” when transitioning between foreground->background->foreground.
my squinty eyes are now upon you.
but, seriously. very cool.
welp, if/when things go south in november and we get a new american god king, the executive decree eliminating the FDA brings all this back, right? gotta look for silver linings and all that jazz.
“one night brand cough syrup - you wont even remember you had a democracy!”
those slots were near useless.
edit to say: one trick was to use the blank expansion slot plates to gently break the vice like grip the screw had in the hex stand-off. the metal used on the cheap “digit remover” cases was sometimes soft enough to loosen the thumb screws via the driver slot without the thumb screw breaking.
still nearly useless though.
I would say the majority of it is just the usual human monkey brained reactionary garbage that our species has always dealt with. the concerning bit is how our own brains have been weaponized against us with untold amounts of money and time expended in learning how to manipulate enough of us to extract and realocate “value” from the many to the few.
I think we are collectively building a benificial immune reaction to this invasion of our selves, but the attack is so pervasive and so persistent that it is, quite literally, mentally and physically debilitating - certainly by design. will we just exhaust ourselves into submission or change paths and try something that does not culminate in a species ending orgy of consumption and conflict? I have no idea, but very few of our possible futures look particularly hopeful to me at the moment.
I do, however, try to hold on to some thread of optimisim - I need a reason to get up in the morning.
I appreciate the dialogue, fellow internet denizen :-)
its their lived experience and they are the future adults of our world.
if the insane amount of micro-targeted manipulation and pressure these kids face on a daily basis does not concern you, then your lack of empathy is self evident and there is nothing else to be said to you.
oh, understood. just saying that the marketing of social shame has been strategically exended into the colour of your text bubble pixels… from the “think different” company.
signal gets installed on every phone in my house, but the kids are drawn to where the other kids are and Apple snobbery is rife in the area I am in.
is not real…
tell that the social cliques in high school. its marketing and its real.
source: kids.
The All-In-Plan privacy policy also says that HP may “transfer information about you to advertising partners” so that they can “recognize your devices,” perform targeted advertising, and, potentially, “combine information about you with information from other companies in data sharing cooperatives” that HP participates in.
this company abomination is dead to me.
well, perhaps Kepler didnt, but Newtonian physics deputised them both.
should have left the context out. ruins the enlightenment of discovery as you consider - also, to enjoy the comments battle over it.
but punchy nonetheless.