We had kids — we wanted to make friends in our 30s, so we just made the friends. Problem solved.
(In all seriousness, your friend — or at least, acquaintance — group explodes when you have daycare/kid activities.)
We had kids — we wanted to make friends in our 30s, so we just made the friends. Problem solved.
(In all seriousness, your friend — or at least, acquaintance — group explodes when you have daycare/kid activities.)
I thought it was just “Slashdotted.”
That character is from the 20s: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reddy_Kilowatt
In undergrad I took a class on sleep, and it really stuck with me. I previously had some FOMO-esque aversion to going to bed early, but after that class if I was done with the day and I was tired, I just went to sleep.
It’s been a good mentality for us now that we have a small kid, too. No shame in going to bed at 8…
“Chain migration” is how many people — myself included — get jobs.
I went to a very good school, and while I like to think the quality of education is what makes a school “good,” let’s be honest — the value is largely in your connections. Friend lands a good job, recommends you when there’s an opening, and bam, you’re already at the top of the pile of the CVs (better yet, they’re the hiring manager).
Friends from school — peers and mentors alike — are a great place to start, if you can. Ask to grab a coffee and chat about their career, and be clear that you’re in the market. Most people are happy to chat (at the very least, it’s flattering).
It’s the way the world works…
Olive oil is delicious, and I’ve always loved acidic foods — so long as there’s yummy dressing on the salad, sign me up.
Just get in the habit of making simple dressing, e.g., EVOO, red or balsamic vinegar, Dijon mustard, salt & pepper. (Mustard helps with emulsification.) Yes oil is caloric, but afaik this is much healthier than drowning your salad in ranch or Thousand Island or whatever.
Olive oil can make you feel full, too, so even though you’re eating fat, it can be a net win.
A Mediterranean diet is delicious, vegetarian/vegan compatible and, I think, fairly healthy. But mostly it’s the delicious that counts.
Welcome, newcomers. The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people and now you’re gonna hear about it.
Title of article, when I view it, is
A New Study Details a Startling Air Pollution Racial Gap
So, did OP change title, or did the article change title in the decade since it was posted?
But yeah — the premise is ridiculous only if you deny systemic racism. If you accept that, then (awkward “title” notwithstanding…) this is pretty clearly the case: economic stratification isn’t just “my home is bigger than yours,” it’s “my home is further from the freeway than yours” or, if you like, “living in my home is healthier than living in your home.”
OP, link please?
When I view the article, the headline is
A New Study Details a Startling Air Pollution Racial Gap
Archive.org only has two grabs, both from this year though (and agree with the current one, above).
You can eat the skin — it makes a good vegan pulled pork base (lots of recipes online).
I split mine in two. It’s easy but makes you look like a badass. A banana splitting badass.
It’s a matter of perspective and use — high density one place means you can have open space somewhere else, for a given amount of land.
I’d much prefer a few large dense housing complexes, surrounded by green space, than suburban sprawl.
It’s maybe not that bad for a “normal” person, but Bill Nye was a real hero to a lot of young folks, be they aspiring STEM types, science enthusiasts, or just curious people. So to see him sell out — abandoning scientific integrity for a quick buck — was pretty disheartening.
(Not sure if other stuff too.)
Exactly — this is ~10GB every 6 hours (which is probably a reasonable amount of time to run a backup while not interfering with active Internet use).
Basically the only backup-worthy content I generate is casual photos and videos, and these are nowhere near that size (Immich database backups also take up a bit but I could certainly be smarter about how I handle these backups).
We “only” have ~35Mbps upload, but that’s plenty since the initial backup was the only large transfer. Daily backup transfers are generally pretty small for me.
But getting the initial transfer done locally was definitely important for my use case!
Yeah. My solution is raspberry pi w/WireGuard + HDD at inlaws. Initial backup was done locally, nightly backups rsync’d over (I don’t generate a ton of data, so it’s mostly just photos from my phone).
As darkly humorous as this is, I believe “out of network” doesn’t apply to ACA compliant health insurance for an ER visit — so even if this happened to a normie, it would ostensibly be covered.
Edit: added “ER”.
I prefer the phrase “testicular manifold.”