They will just have to create a fee to “cover the costs” of having to tell you what they are going to charge you.
They will just have to create a fee to “cover the costs” of having to tell you what they are going to charge you.
Pretty similar for me, but I never did Fark. Funnily enough after digg was sold and relaunched I started using the new digg pretty regularly. It isn’t old digg, but it does find and aggregate decent news and entertainment links.
I can’t imagine most people will want to wear that headset for more than the 2 hours the battery lasts. I know I haven’t when wearing existing vr headsets. I seem to max out at about 30 minutes.
I think to get to a consumer version Apple will want to drop all of the glass and metal and go for lighter plastic instead. They need to drop the secondary outward facing screen as well for weight, battery and cost savings.
If things can get comparable to thicker framed normal glasses, that will be when VR/AR can really become mainstream.
“Being obnoxious, mocking users, being abravise, or overall being a jerk is not illegal. You can always do it there, specially in subreddits with large numbers of subscribers.”
Maybe don’t be a jerk though, even though it isn’t illegal. That makes the world a worse place on the whole, and you would still be giving reddit more “monthly active users”
If the ability to be a digital nomad had occurred earlier in my life I probably would have gone for it. Now I kind of don’t want to be away from my parents because I know they won’t be around forever. Plus I have a house and other commitments I don’t want to be away from.
Maybe they should focus on what their user base wants instead trying to be TikTok or whatever is hot this week.