Lawless? Mate it’s still perfectly legal to do that today
Looks like a Mormon Bible chat app to me
The Oranje Discon Dancer
With respect, who the fuck cares who one rapper follows?
Engagement mugs have to go.
I can make the others work, mostly
Most of those posts are to grind a political axe or for marketing purposes, too.
Not just in a zoo, an agit-prop zoo
More like House of Weird Movies and Weird Families
I also found the cavity search required for adoption to be a little off-putting
Soy, oat, almond.
Or rat, cat, and human.
I mean they did.
Don’t Look Up was huge. It had an all-star, ensemble cast and was one of the biggest releases of 2021.
How many times do you expect them to best the drum?
Aye was my exact thought. Something I’d see in a comic book
“Damn that sounds a whole lot like a bunch of their problems, and a whole lot of not mine. K thanks bye”
“let’s all go to flaming Moe’s”
At this point it’s pretty clearly a way to distract the rubes
And like 80% of one album but you don’t realize it was 80% until years later.
Also WinAmp really whips the laama’s ass
This is why there is no ethical consumption under capitalism
Red China is long gone mon ami. Communism with Chinese Characteristics loves the rich, but only if you’re aligned to the correct clique.
Nah man that’s Elmer Rudd when he’s not hunting rabbits