No joke, like what the fuck is this? I bought the thing, and you can just disable it ???
I scanned through this and my takeaway is that it’s just defining a formal grammar for iso 8601. Did I miss anything important?
I had a hard time with this too, I didn’t even know there were supposed to be words. What finally did it was actually squinting, like so much that my eyes are nearly closed and I can just see a little between my eyelashes. Then it stands out clear as day.
I sure hope so. It’s about damn time.
I’m curious about this use case. It actually sounds pretty convenient, but it also sounds like a wet dream for scalpers since it makes it so easy to buy a bunch and resell for insane prices. On one hand, the price someone is willing to pay is the true value, so you could argue that the original seller wasn’t charging enough. But on the other hand, if scalpers buy up all the supply then they’re artificially increasing the price. I don’t really know anything about economics, I’m just guessing.
In the traditional world of tickets, you could hypothetically prevent reselling by tying a ticket to a person’s id (not that anybody does this, but you could). But in the nft world you described where you can resell your ticket, is there any solution to prevent scalping?
Can you explain? Not familiar with this case
I absolutely loath the American favorite: 8/9. Like fuck, is that August 9th, September 8th, or just a fraction??
I believe this is still valid according to ISO 8601 so have an upvote. It also works fine in URLs after the host part.
The same reason “one thousand” is written 1000 and not 0001
Is that cursed? Seems like the right privacy-focused default behavior and good design to me