Didn’t you know that telling a joke more times makes it funnier? smh my head…
Didn’t you know that telling a joke more times makes it funnier? smh my head…
So many questions on a single image. Why the red marks? Why is the laptop so old it has a XP (maybe Vista?) certified sticker but shows a recent Sonic game collection? The world may never know. Godspeed little hedgehog, may you go fast and eat plenty of chili dogs.
Lately, I’ve been really into self hosting. My first thought was server fan, not air conditioning haha🫠
Everyone should use uBlock + Facebook Container. It’s still far from perfect, but every step counts.
“Do you want a PC with your fans?”
You could use LimeWire to get LimeWire Pro. Good times.
As long as it’s not every 2-3 words or as cryptic as hieroglyphs, I think decent emoji usage can be acceptable. Like everything, moderation tastes best. 🍻
Knowing you have N monitors, the perfect amount is N+1
Seems to be from the “No Poop July” trend a few months ago.