“Sorry, someone else has already asked a question about python.”
“Sorry, someone else has already asked a question about python.”
Wait, I know this guy! He’s super into wine. Like… SUPER into it.
Won’t someone think of the children('s rights)?
Often “equality” is used to refer to legal and societal systems closer to equal treatment, and “equity” is used to refer to systems closer to equal outcomes.
Of course, the terms as defined in the dictionary are very similar, while how close the ideas they represent are when applied depends substantially on what is being considered, when, and how.
Face to face, this is definitely possible. I’ve convinced more than a dozen people that climate change is real, and humans are the primary cause of it in face to face conversation. Online, where tone is easily misinterpreted, everyone is a stranger, and people are more able to rapidly retreat into a bubble of others that agree with them, I think it does a lot less good - but every once in a while, something works a little bit for someone.
More importantly, if we decide that we should all exist in our isolated bubbles of (non)social acceptance, it leads to the rise of extremism in some of those groups, and even the most terrible ideas can be allowed to fester and grow. Pretty much regardless of who you are, or what you believe, you probably have an example or two of such beliefs.
Actually, debate between hostile strangers online serves an important role in churning up internet drama. This is vital to the continued survival of the popcorn industry.
You can just bitwise AND those with …000000001 (for however many bits are in your number). If the result is 0, then the number is even, and if it’s 1, then the number is odd. This works for negative numbers because it discards the negative signing bit.
Then you should return false, unless the remainder is also greater than or equal to the twenty second root of 4194304. Note, that I’ve only checked up to 4194304 to make sure this works, so if you need bigger numbers, you’ll have to validate on your own.
Carrots will be sweeter if you let them grow for a full season, then harvest shortly before, during, or shortly after winter. They stock up on sugars to reduce the risk of freezing, which makes them sweeter.
(reminder don’t take dietary advice from internet strangers)
Here’s my fact based advice: on average, people that eat food sometimes live longer than people that do not eat food. You should sometimes eat food.
Ignore my advice at your own peril.
I don’t know what causes the difference, I just compared the first nutrition breakdown of rendered pork fat I could find to a recent USDA publication. I’m under the impression that we mostly grow different breeds of pork, on bigger farms, using a more consistent food blend, so pretty much everything has changed in that time.
There’s a lot of answers here, but I don’t think anyone said the magic words. To reseason cast iron, you need an oil high in poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Those are the kind that can chain together, and form a good polymer coating.
The thing that trips me up most about this subject is that 140 years ago, pork fat was very good for seasoning cast iron. Today, it isn’t, because the composition of the fat has changed significantly.
The best seasoning coats will be thin, not appear or feel oily, give the pan a dark color slightly more glossy than an eggshell, and resist mild detergents, metal spatulas, and heat high enough to sear a steak on. If you have a layer of loose stuff in the pan, that’s just a layer of gunk, and is probably adding some weird flavors to anything you cook.
I don’t need to see the cover letter, if you just email me the prompt, that’s faster for both of us. (On the other hand, I don’t ask people for cover letters, so I’m probably not the target audience)
I talked to one of the authors of the New American Bible, who told me the text is a mistranslation, and it’s more like “harder than putting a rope through the eye of a needle”, which would’ve been an idiom familiar to the fishers in the area.
It means “impossible”, which is suitable because the things Jesus called for you to do make a rich person into a not rich person, as far as material wealth goes.
They’ve finally found their silicon mates.
Robert Downey Jr is the name brand, Tony Stark is the generic name. Hollywood producers certify there’s no functional differences between the two products.
This kind of post is exactly how Trump is going to be elected to the Supreme Court, so he can grant himself immunity. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You didn’t even pull a permit for that hut you built, and went hunting with your bare hands, or an axe or something… really bad moves.
Covid kids?
Turn hard to the left while accelerating, then hard to the right while braking. That usually shakes it out.