I understand and you’re trying to critique “social nonos” (laws) so where do you draw the line? You can generally say whatever opinion about someone but you can’t say whatever you want to do to someone.
I understand and you’re trying to critique “social nonos” (laws) so where do you draw the line? You can generally say whatever opinion about someone but you can’t say whatever you want to do to someone.
If YoU siMPlY MurDEr SomEOne it’S A sOCiaL NonO
Cats are also invasive in some areas. Outdoor cats are the leading cause of songbird mortality.
Girl, I may not be long, but I sure am thin!
“I’ve got some bike parts and NO I won’t tell you what brand they are. Why should it matter?”
With a 12ft width, that’s about 15-18” subbase, which is overkill. Wondering if that $3k includes installation.