What? The politics of right / liberal free market capitalism creates those! Did anyone read Marx and Piketty?
Reddit refugee, looking for the curious parts of the web community. Location: Norway.
What? The politics of right / liberal free market capitalism creates those! Did anyone read Marx and Piketty?
Multicultural is different from multiethnic. One is clothing and holidays and norms, the other is just skin.
I was weirded out by Heimdal, but the overall sci-fi aesthetic is also weird so eh.
What, how does she hang her clothes there? Stack them like a pleb?
I think you mean mining fissile materials. Nuclear is not in the same category of emissions as fossil fuels that burn carbon directly…
Krita is my go to free open graphic program. Even donated to them.
Just in case: training is mainly exercise in my language.
The triple in my area is travel, training and wine. I get depressed by how few seems interesting.
Shilling for the climate crisis is even worse than being a regular influencer fka blogger.
I’ve gotten a lot of these barefoot vids in my YouTube lately. Wait, nonono not that way!
Oh no please, not the nicknames. Can we leave them?
Are you confused? CEOs are like the cheerleaders of capitalism, right liberals got to love them?