The really funny part was she was pretty normal until MAGA and the alt right radicalized her via lies
She turned into that shockingly quickly
My best guess is that something was wrong with her that she hid deep inside until it was let out
The really funny part was she was pretty normal until MAGA and the alt right radicalized her via lies
She turned into that shockingly quickly
My best guess is that something was wrong with her that she hid deep inside until it was let out
I almost dated a conservative but covid saved me.
The moment it hit, her conservative powers went omega level and I was able to dodge a bullet by wanting to vaccinate early
This is why you never talk to a cop.
You can only talk yourself INTO trouble. You can never talk yourself OUT of trouble.
If you’re ever asked to talk to the police, you say “I invoke the 5th and do not talk to police”
Make sure you invoke the right. Being wishy-washy about it doesn’t count.
If ever detained, continue invoking the 5th, as well as state outright you want to talk to a layer.
Just don’t talk. Don’t have a conversation. Don’t tell them what you had for breakfast. If they want to talk, they can talk to your lawyer. That’s what they are there for.
The first “A” in ACAB stands for ALL.
Yes even that one cop. Yes, even your uncle.
There can be no good cops while they allow bad cops to exist.
If you ever get detained by cops:
“I am exercising my right to remain silent.”
“I am exercising my right to speak with a lawyer.”
SHUT UP (Don’t say shut up. Actually shut up)
Always remember:
You can never talk yourself OUT of trouble. You can only talk yourself INTO trouble!
The first ‘A’ in ACAB stands for ALL
Yes even that one cop you know. Yes, even your uncle.
There can be no ‘good’ cops while they look away from ‘bad’ cops
I got ran up on by a black bear while fishing. My buddy was sleeping next to the fire while I was awake on the shore.
Thankfully I had already caught a few catfish as it was more interested in what I caught than in me.
So I tossed my bucket of fish on the ground toward the bear, quickly woke my buddy up, and left our supplies there.
We came back later armed to get our supplies and the bear was nowhere to be found.
I guess the thing to learn there is to not be made out of food the bear likes.
If ever this happens, I think of it a challenge. Most of these are easy enough to get around.
If I can’t get around it, then I’ll bring the issue to the larger ublock origin community.
Fun fact: Anything can be a dildo once if you’re brave enough!
Sysadmins get paid in exposure. To stress. Which is usually caused by the end user.
I wonder if Reddit is going to do this next…
I can see them making people log in to see the posts.
I can see Reddit limiting upvotes per day. Only 300 but “unlimited” with Reddit premium, etc
Reddit just loves going full Twitter
Musk needs to serve those papers to Reddit too.
They’re not even changing the plagiarism to try to hide it.