They’re not targetting people. They just want to make a fuckton of noise. It doesn’t Matter if they spit out nonsense. Brandolini law reigns supreme.
Reddit is dead, long live reddit.
They’re not targetting people. They just want to make a fuckton of noise. It doesn’t Matter if they spit out nonsense. Brandolini law reigns supreme.
Illégal with a fine means legal with a price
Yes, that is very correct
This isn’t capitalism, thats pretty much libertainism.
You’re comparing things that are orders of magnitude inequal.
Freedom of speech is in the government level, not on the individual (you can only get attacked on your speechs by individuals, as freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences)
Assange was freed after all. Navalny died in prison.
That video you shared is not illegal to share in any country.
I checked your comments and I see a lot of hate in “The west”. Thing is, you’re not helping your case being so aggressive. You’re comparing incomparable things and attacking everyone who disagrees with you. Not everyone is a psyop mate. Paraphrasing Churchill (which, in my opinion is a far bigger war criminal than any of your Western examples) : “The West is the worst side, excepting everyone else”
If you really believe if what you’re saying, you should reflect a bit more on your fight. All you’re doing right now is polarizing people and basically negatively impacting the causes you’re fighting for.
Mate, gotta say, if you’re a troll, you’re a bloody good one. Si i’m gonna assume you are genuine.
? .ml is very tankie, just less than lemmygrad. When you say anything about China that’s not praise (Including facts, like Evergrande bankruptcy meaning China is definitely not in a good economic shape), you’re worthy of a ban. Experiences may vary doe.
You’re putting on the same level Barack Obama and Joe Biden to Kim Jong Un and Mao. While all of the people you display in your meme are war criminals, there just are not comparable in the scale and the means every one of them achieved those warcrimes. Also again, there’s that difference that saying that Biden is a war criminal may get you banned from a website at worst. Saying Mao is a war criminal in China will get you imprisoned. Try also saying war is bad in Russia. I’m gonna quote somebody else “In the USA, when a protest is repressed in the blood, everyone in the country (and in the world lmao) will riot about it. In Russia/China, it will just be a Monday”. They are not comparable in the tyranny they enforce on their people.
I really wish you’re genuine tho.
Différence is : you can post this meme in the west and you won’t get charged or anything. At most you got banned from a website because either you’re a troll or massively not doing anyone favour.
Share this picture on qq. I dare you.
Hey that’s what locally run LLMs are for
Last time I checked, it could run the latest Firefox, but it might have been the ESR. It’s using a lot of the WINE stack so it should be more potent than windows xp. The main issue is drivers, not really application support
Then give us a fair price. YouTube is not making any content, so I just wish to pay for the hosting privileges. That shouldn’t cost me 15€/month. Give me simple prenium that removes ads for 6-7€, and I will jump in. It’s all about what I feel I’m getting.
For instance, I fucking bought a 1300€ pixel 8 pro ROFL.
Holy shit I didn’t expect such a quality comment in this discussion.
I would argue that corporations shouldn’t be able to own residential land, and regular people shouldn’t own more than two land pieces.
46% global and 27 USA? Damn the us people are even more tech illiterate than I would’ve guessed. I suppose the 85+% market share of the iPhone among teens has something to do with it.
Tha aur is cheating, it’s basically a script to install the correct dependancies. It’s also not integrated natively into pacman so it’s not related to the package manager itself.
Ok I understand what you mean for your last point
I don’t know what you’re mostly on.
Dpkg is nowadays rock solid. I had 300 debians working together and auto updating at the same time, never had an issue.
managing dépendances when building from source, apart from Gentoo being built around the emerge management, no other package manager has any clue about source building dependencies.
confused about what’s the problem when using 'buntu while it’s updating.
Agree with this one. Fuck Canonical
same as above.
so it’s snap the problem then?
You’re reading your article backwards. China is SUFFERING from a brain drain. China is LOSING their scientists.
The interesting part is they’re not going to the US.
Oh boi that’s going to be fun.
actually reads
You don’t stand my main point. US are bad sure, but the rest is just worse.
Also China brain draining scientists LOL and I’m the one coping?
People with such a bad vision they just can’t afford to not wear them while awake : wat?
Sorry old habit