Boil me, mash me, stick me in a stew.
I never shitpost, I only skidmarkpost.
I use RSS feeds to subscribe to YouTube channels without a google account.
I’ve seen the circle of manufacturing news, created out of thin air, added to Wikipedia, used as a basis for further news articles who later replaces the original citations. Excessive citations from within the same propaganda-industrial complex doesn’t do it for me, unfortunately.
It’s Boeing. We’re lucky not everybody died. and JTX Board are two of the most used, available on F-Droid.
Yeah, and doesn’t support (coming soon apparently) mobile extensions so no feature parity. But what stopped me from using Joplin for tasks was the unreliable alarm.
Joplin is pretty good as a lot of other stuff though.
“That’s a really dumb thing to say, get a higher IQ.”
I still maintain climbing down from the trees was a stupid idea in the first place.
Its based on the false assumption that you would actually buy every single piece of media if you didn’t chose to copy it.
It’s all fake and people accept it. Such is the world.
I wish I could sue my parents for being born.
Robert made that book in collaboration with Elinor.
I’ll rather shit myself than sit on the porcelain throne and stare at the pooping man in the mirror.
There’s always time to go back an fetch the phone.
Oh. I have it the other way around, Lemmy is pretty much all I do when I’m pooping.
How do you… Browse Lemmy from your workstation or the couch?