Thank you for taking the time to write this. Making the rests reproducable and possible to improve on is important.
Thank you for taking the time to write this. Making the rests reproducable and possible to improve on is important.
What have we got to loose?
Different beans that need different equipment and preferred by different cultures, I thought espresso could have it’s own panel. Especially given some of the other inclusions.
But it’s fine to have different views - as a very wise lemming once said: not everything needs to be a debate.
Wow. This is like a commandment for aussie kids. Do not. Ever. Fuck around with things you don’t recognise at the beach. I didn’t pay much heed to many rules but this one seemed like a good idea - even to dipshit child me.
I can’t believe I’m seeing this. Sure hope it’s fake.
Me too I guess. I can see it if I really try, but it seems a stretch.
Not sure I understand this one?
More good place memes please.
To be fair, they have tried nothing and are all out of ideas.
Lucky for them we do not log and publish all the access logs, along with their identity.
Moaning about a lack of robust privacy for 3rd party apps while on a platform with a public record of every users up and down votes is a pretty rich. That data is a gift to the advertisers and you can bet it is being mined already. If I had the skill that would be the topic I made a meme about.
On linode i can run a half dozen docker images on a little vm for ten bucks a month. And their s3 is a few bucks a month for 250 gigabytes. The vast majority of projects I deal with have a predictable compute requirement - I don’t get the need to pay the ridiculous premiums associated with elasticity. But I’m not exactly running uber or Netflix over here.
He just found out that we got that B roll
Good on you for helping those not so fortunate to understand and feel included 🥇
Now I wanna know too