Yeah, like glance once like you are a married man at a professional event, not stare like a teenager at a strip club.
Yeah, like glance once like you are a married man at a professional event, not stare like a teenager at a strip club.
It’s just fedidrama. The original mods didn’t like being told to moderate and how the admin sometimes stepped in and didn’t always tell them. Though arguably mod log would show it.
Anyway they made a mod decision that they’d move to your lemmy world instance. At the admin level LW has questionable at best policies surrounding Trans rights and a more lenient admin moderation (allow more trolls and transphobe comments to stand). They also didn’t ask the community nor give a chance for community input about said move, just kinda announced it and went for it. Communities don’t like that sort of authoritative thing- what’s a community where the leaders don’t see members as equals in running the community- and there was/is ongoing backlash with some nice mudslinging between mods the community and the blahaj admin. I think there are now new mods running this community.
Me the gigachad: I’m the one who accomplished these things.
Cops are infamous for killing dogs. So instead of doggy style sex, doggy style for a cop is shooting them.
Ahahah, wow, that really is capitalism at its best. That’s some delicious irony and I’ll bet none of the wealthy will do anything to try and get her her money either lol.
When a shitty person dies it’s difficult to care about because they’ve spent years if not decades denying empathy to everyone else. Hitler, school bullies, etc to anyone affected by either would you expect them to be sad at their funeral?
I’m not out here throwing a party but I’m not pretending some rich twatnugget I don’t know deserves the space in my brain to care.
Claims to empathy are denied when they’ve never had empathy for their “customers”.
The whole thing with the “trolley problem” is that blood is on your hands regardless. Not touching the lever doesn’t stop the trolley and can lead to more death.
In the recent voting case not pulling the lever put lgbtq, disabled, immunocompromised, minorities, Ukraine, remnants of democracy and a habitable planet on the tracks. The other track had Palestinians and could have been shifted away with enough protest.
I just do unisex and “if he dies, he dies” sorting is for stupid clothes.
Por que no los todos
Idk if that is good Spanish but everywhere
US is generally 2wk(10 business days)allowed. 0 mandatory. There is state to state variation.
deleted by creator
Heads too far up their own asses to see that there could be consequences because under the current system they built they don’t face any.
If you stop drinking all the soda (fake or real sugar) your brain rewires to baseline eventually. And at baseline sodas are disgustingly sickeningly sweet.
Hey man you gotta at least help make the pie.
He was allowed back by Elon but so far he’s stayed on his own “Truth” social.
Get a prenup if that’s your only issue. Married taxes are better, and being auto beneficiary is also useful (e.g. social security survivors benefits). With the right person insurances and credit score/limit are better. Sometimes just hospital visits require being a relation. Immigration for coming to or going to another country is easier.
Marriage is showing your commitment legally/bureaucratically so that your bond isn’t questioned easily both individuals also gain financial benefits from it.
Isn’t masterchief a lady?
There must be some moderation or the loudest but stupidest would have the rest of us unable to have discussions. I don’t agree with demoting the entire mod team but ehh, cats are obligate carnivores. Not giving them meat will make them sick and possibly die. Encouraging that contrary to reality is encouraging animal abuse. If they want a vegan pet it can’t be a cat.
Causing a commotion