I never thought to look up what S&P stood for. “Standard and Poor’s” lol.
Leftists decided punishing Democrats was more important than the rights of marginalized people living in the US, so now we have Trump. Thanks leftists. You’re the reason we will have concentration camps again.
I never thought to look up what S&P stood for. “Standard and Poor’s” lol.
Trans people allowed to exist
Brown people allowed to exist
Poor people not paying enough taxes to support the rich
The sizes of apartments on TV were also a blatant lie.
They don’t scream woke but they still hate discussions about marginalized communities because they are all privileged white class reductionists.
If tankies are right wing, liberals are right wing, not to mention those who are actually right-wing outside of your head-canon, who is not right-wing?
Most tankies are accelerationists. They likely voted Trump not because they like him but because they believe he will accelerate the collapse of the US and they can have their communist revolution faster.
To that end it works in their favor to attack liberals whose goal is to prevent collapse of the current system because they know it will put marginalized communities at the most risk if that does happen.
Tankies are class reductionists and don’t care about marginalized communities except when they can use them as a cudgel against liberals. After they achieve their goal they drop their cause entirely. See how silent they are about Gaza now that Democrats were successfully kept out of power despite the fact Palestinians are at far more risk now.
Comparing the cost of a Snapmaker with an Ender isn’t really fair as one is a 3-in-1 with laser and CNC and 3D printing all in one and the engineering costs it took to accomplish that in a reasonable form factor. The increased cost isn’t from having a higher quality printer.
Well we are their main demographic so it’s still a good financial decision for them.
They talking bout AIDs and Reagan hunty.
A better truism by someone actually wise is that there is no such thing as free speech and never will be.
There is only protected speech, unprotected speech, and speech nobody gives a fuck about. And what speech is protected or not depends on context.
Someone has to learn the government secrets so they can spill it to the revolutionaries later when they become disillusioned so they can build their own weapons.
Is this the new cursed AI future we live in?