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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • pedz@lemmy.cato196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    28 days ago

    I normally use bluetooth headphones so I don’t use the adapters enough to have any that broke yet. I keep a pair of wired headphones as a backup, and sometimes I want to connect my phone to old speakers, so the adapter is useful in those cases.

    I guess if you’re using that adapter every day it might indeed break faster.

    However where I live you can find them at the dollar store for something like $4.

  • pedz@lemmy.cato196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    28 days ago

    I also find it annoying that there’s no headphone jack by default on most phones, but I just connected a usb-c to 3.5 mm to my headphones and use it them this way if I need to. Yes, it’s a dongle, but it’s small enough that it can just stay connected to my headphones jack and carried with them.

  • pedz@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlI do what I want
    29 days ago

    Hah. I live alone, no kids, no house, no car. And I am usually fine with that.

    I live in a tower in the downtown of a big city and have a very nice view. I share a pool, a terrasse and gym on the roof. No need to maintain the pool, the concierge does that. No driveway to plow in winter, no grass to cut in summer. No house maintenance.

    I have free time and disposable income. I can travel anywhere I want, pretty much when I want it. I’m on my second trip in the Carribean since the beginning of the year.

    In summer I take multiple days to cycle for hundreds of kilometres to go camping/hiking in national parks and explore the great bike network of my region. I live on an island, pull my kayak with my bike and explore the waters around whenever I feel like it.

    Seeing my friends with kids not being able to get a free weekend once every few months, I don’t mind how things have turned out for me.

  • Lately, Firefox + uBlock Origin and YouTube on Linux is sometimes horribly slow for me. It uses all the CPU and chokes my computers. Sometimes it’s even difficult to just seek in the video, as it’s so sluggish.

    It seems to vary depending on the type of ads. It’s not “random” because a video that has this behavior will always do it, even if I restart FF, while others will be fine.

    I thought it was my old computer at first, or that I was out of memory, but the same thing happens on my modern Ryzen.

    Although I notice it less and less, so maybe it was a bug with YT + uBlock.

    And it’s only on my Linux computers. On Android, FF + uBlock works super well.

  • My pet peeve about ads everywhere now is on Android.

    Your Android phone doesn’t come with a voice recorder? Download one, with ads every time you record.

    You want a different calculator? Ads!

    Flashlight app? Ads!

    Notepad? Ads!

    And people just apparently accept ads in nearly every app, even the most basic ones.

    I don’t remember the Sound Recorder, or Notepad having ads. But because people are now used to ads everywhere, it’s certainly coming as MS is trying to jam ads in everywhere possible in Windows too, now.

    I’m so grateful for Linux. The apps I get through apt-get don’t make me watch ads. Unfortunately even if based on Linux, the Android world is so infuriatingly crammed with ads.

    I wish I could find a “phone” or portable device in that format, with an OS that works like “true” Linux.

  • pedz@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlA.I.
    1 month ago

    BuT I UsE iT AnD iT mAkEs mY JoB eAsIeR ThUs EvErYoNe ShOuLd LiKe It! So UsEfUl! It’S OnLy UsInG An UnGoDlY AmOuNt Of ElEcTrIcItY FoR EvErY QuErY dUrInG a ClImAtE ChAnGe CriSiS!

  • pedz@lemmy.cato196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneIs this rule?
    1 month ago

    As a French speaker, I can understand the confusion for those, but it’s also amusing to see how English speakers can mix them up.

    Isle for island, now ile in French.

    Aisle for wing, now aile in French.

    But maybe it’s an isle of fruits, in the fruit aisle?

  • Well, yeah. Hehe. The first image with a plow in the snow is very normal where I live. And there are millions living with this. It doesn’t convey the meaning of snow where it doesn’t normally snow, or bigger snowstorms when they happen, to people living where it snows regularly for a big chunk of the year, but I understand the spirit of the whole anyway.

  • I do that too but only because it’s much easier to help my relatives with Linux than those with Windows.

    I even “convert” some people because Llinux is easier for them if I just manage it. I had a neighbor that was using Window on a very old computer, it was slow and choking under the weight of simple updates. Plus, she was always asking me why her computer kept rebooting by itself while it was obviously Windows update. So I installed Mint and all the problems went away.

    Anyway I don’t want to have to deal with Microsoft accounts, licenses, office365, the general bloat, the ads, the new versions of Windows… I have enough at work, so if I am going to help on my free time, it has to be on the OS I find easier to deal with.

  • pedz@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldNever gonna give you up!
    3 months ago

    As long as the tech or the software doesn’t become obsolete, or the company doesn’t go bankrupt.

    You know about the blind people that were able to see for a while but the company making their implants went bankrupt, leaving them blind once more, as their their implants will eventually all stop working?

    Yet in 2020, Byland had to find out secondhand that the company had abandoned the technology and was on the verge of going bankrupt. While his two-implant system is still working, he doesn’t know how long that will be the case. “As long as nothing goes wrong, I’m fine,” he says. “But if something does go wrong with it, well, I’m screwed. Because there’s no way of getting it fixed.”


    It’s obviously understandable to want to try something, anything, to help with a disability, but relying on private for profit companies for experimental medical devices is far from ideal.

    Addendum: Also, disabled people are unfortunately often used as an excuse to push agendas. “We can’t have a bike lane there! Think about handicapped people using their car!” Or like "Tesla’s FSD will help disabled people get around No need to fund dirty dangerous public transit!! " Or again “Neuralink is going to help disabled people so they must have good intentions and obviously not plan on selling these to the general public eventuality. It’s purely for the embiggening of society!”

    FSD is soooo full self driving that blind people can’t use it as it requires constant babysitting, and more importantly, a driver’s license and thr ability to drive a car… for a car that’s supposed to drive itself.

    Anything coming from Musk is obviously a scam. He’s a con artist. He will say anything to convince people. He keeps promising his shit is always just on the verge of revolution but it’s mainly just empty words for hype.

    Helping the disabled is probably just an afterthought for Neuralink. People are so desperate, they will try anything, and Neuralink will be the creep profiting off them.

  • pedz@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlLOOK AT WHAT THEY HAVE TAKEN FROM US
    4 months ago

    This reminds me of the efforts made against tobacco and for cleaner air in certain areas, but it also reminds me how we do this for other things too.

    Radium toothpaste, lead paint and asbestos curtains.

    So, as someone that sees cars as a significant source of pollution, from exhausts, brake pads and tires, I find it ironic that some places are banning outdoor smoking in public areas while it’s perfectly acceptable to drive a gas guzzler around and among those places.

    Like, I’m so grateful nobody can smoke around me on that restaurant’s terrace, this way I can fully enjoy breathing the pollution from the thousand of cars around.

  • Meanwhile I’ve always been the one that takes the smallest possible meal at McDonald’s, and would think that 5 nuggets with fries and drinks is just enough. In fact I hate going to restaurants in general because portions are always much too big for me. I can’t usually take doggy bags, and I feel like I’m wasting most of what I’m served. I can’t recall even finishing a plate in a (real) restaurant; there’s always too much. I’m always like “oh it was really tasty but I can’t eat much more!”

  • pedz@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldApocalypse-Proof
    5 months ago

    How do people intent to power cars during the apocalypse? I guess electric cars can be charged with solar or wind but it’s not a small battery to charge. As for ICEs, stations are going to run out of gas after a few hours, and AFAIK, gas has a limited shelf life so making reserves for the long term would be a problem.

    As someone that doesn’t get cars nor the “freedom” they supposedly confer, I also never got that part about an apocalyptic future. To me, a car is already a burden, and I can’t see why I would want one during the apocalypse.

  • pedz@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlI've lived a good life
    6 months ago

    Why is it sad? No lawn to care about. No snow to remove in winter. No garbage day. No electricity bill. No roof or windows to change. No water heater to worry about.

    I much prefer to rent than be stuck owning a condo where I have to deal with the other owners and plan maintenance. And I wouldn’t want an “affordable” house that is much too big, in a suburb or in the middle of nowhere, where a car would be a necessity, and another thing to own (or rather pay for).

    As far as I am concerned, owning a home is a social construct. A goal imposed on us by capitalism. Our collective dream, should be to own a home in the middle of nowhere before we’re too old to have a family, with obviously, a car! But I never wanted to have a “death pledge”, nor a family, nor a house, nor a stupid condo. Renting is perfectly fine for a whole lot of people. It’s not something to be sad about. The only sad thing is that we don’t have enough cheap housing of any kind for everyone.