Bread, pasta, tortillas, chips, rice, etc. They are all just vehicles for sauce.
Bread, pasta, tortillas, chips, rice, etc. They are all just vehicles for sauce.
My thought is that it’s revealing the construction and weak points of the death star. It may have been constructed in two hemispheres that were joined together, and that seam might have been the failure point where gassed were released when the internal pressure got too high.
Except then we should see the two hemispheres blow out from each other a bit, which they don’t.
Tragic that someone so old still has to work a drive through to make ends meet
Weird to use a picture of a child predator in an unrelated meme
Victor Gruen is widely considered the inventory of the modern shopping mall. He was an Austrian Jew who immigrated to the US when the Nazi’s annexed Austria.
I can’t find much specific on his political views, but I’ve seen him described by historians as “far-left” and “socialist”.
Shopping was originally a small part of his vision. He wanted to make an indoor, air-conditioned version of European pedestrian areas. Residences, schools, libraries, hospitals, parks, etc. He hated how the mall he envisioned became the shopping mall. He was influenced by Disney Land - trying to make a planned neighborhood that optimized the human experience. In turn, Disney took a lot of influence from him to make EPCOT.
So I don’t know that he was a Marxist, but he denounced the capitalist hellscape that his malls eventually became.
Don’t call yourself a FromSoft fan if you haven’t gotten the platinum in The Adventures of Cookie and Cream
He was one of the key figures in the corporatization of NASCAR.
I think there’s some debate among fans as to how much of that was him as opposed to him just driving and leaving the business to other people and being okay with his face and signature getting plastered everywhere.
These memes go hard though so I don’t care that much
You clearly don’t have even a basic education in economics. There’s enough data across a variety of jurisdictions and history at this point to establish the effectiveness of the minimum wage.youre choosing to ignore that and simp for managers and capital owners.
If you only want original material you need to go back in time several thousand years to when that’s still existed.
Fair enough, I was just rolling with what you brought.
I think I would agree with you on a lot: faithless electors should be legislated out of existence and the electoral college sucks. Where I disagree is that I don’t think this is significant enough to discourage voting. Faithless Electors are more of a trivia question than anything meaningful to American politics.
Out of the tens of thousands of electors in history, there’s been just over a hundred faithless electors.
And, to quote from your link:
They have never swung an election
How many faithless electoral have ever happened in history?
“Abandon the two party systen” isn’t a solution.
Supporting a 3rd party would be a solution. A terrible solution that has historically proven to only hurt the cause you are trying to support. But bad solutions are at least still solutions.
Changing the election system is another solution. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is one of the many issues I consider when weighing who I vote for. But the reality is that law has not passed and may never pass, so we are stuck with the electoral college and first-past-the-post voting system in the US for the 2024 election.
Then there’s coups. If you’re advocating for political violence I suggest you visit a nation experiencing it. There’s a reason so much of the country was terrified watching the news on January 6th 2021.
Then there’s leaving the country, which is basically just an option for the wealthy or otherwise lucky exceptions. Not really fixing the system as much as abandoning it.
Typographical errors aside, are you proposing any actual solutions or just trying to discourage people from voting?
I’m 100% neurotypical and and find that pretty much every community is just a bunch of relatable memes. ADHD, Autism, Bi-polar disorder, depression, etc.
Same thing with all the various sexual identities. I’ll call out bisexual people because I think most of them will admit it: they’ll take literally any behavior and appropriate it as a key element of bi culture. Lemon bars? Bi. Bad sitting posture? Bi. Cuffed jeans? Bi. Finger guns? You’re not a goofy sitcom character, you’re bi! Appropriating any innocuous behavior as part of your sexual identity’s culture? Bi!
I’ve got no problem with it. Anything for more good memes.
I’m down voting not because it’s not funny, but because these jokes are too dangerous to dumb people.
The moon landing being faked, vaccines causing autism, the earth being flat, lizard people controlling the world. These jokes get a lot less funny when people actually start to believe them. There’s already enough “young earthers” out there voting without memes like this.
It was always an act
According to Chappelle he converted to Islam when he was 17. He was born to well-off parents in academia and lived in the suburbs. This is who he always was.
Eh this is kind of where he came from.
His mother was a high-ranking official in the DRoC’s government. She also worked for the US DoS and has been a professor and high-ranking official in various universities. His father was a dean and professor of vocal performance. They met in Yellow Springs Ohio, where Dave lives and still has other family. It’s the same home town as Mike Dewine, the current GOP governor of Ohio. It’s basically a college town around Antioch. Recently Chappelle has been flexing his money around the town to convince the city council to not build affordable housing.
It’s interesting looking back at how much of Chappelle’s Show’s humor revolved around “the hood”.
Sometimes external adversity is the best motivator for internal self-improvement.