He looks like “Backpack Kid”
He looks like “Backpack Kid”
Quick, fine them exactly in the same manner as a regular Joe would’ve been, plus take into account that he used them for financial gains.
Judge got it give me 1/2 a push-up.
My friend was complaining about his phone (battery draining to zero in within 2-3 hours, even when idle). He went ahead and bought a replacement battery. when he opened the phone, that battery was as swollen as Kirby.
I guess the Pebble still holds. Nice
He is crying from happiness, until, as always, affects their family members.
Well, time to activate my FarmersOnly account
“Zero Motivation: The Guy with Cloud Envy!”
Wow, that was an oversight of the Quality Department. Very likely that they allowed non-conforming batteries be installed in those vehicles. Oh well.