I have a old gaming laptop that is not supported.
Intel i7-7820HK, 4cores 8 threads 2.9Ghz.
Released in 2017.
That’s not old-arse as far as I’m concerned, and I don’t see the need for an upgrade. I’m going to install Linux on this PC because I have the know-how and desire to check out how electron fares. But I can see how that is not an option for everyone.
I bought a moonlander by ZSA about a year ago.
I found the split allows for a much more relaxed position while writing, and being able to adjust the halves individually when I reposition myself is very comfortable.
They also have the benefit of having thumb clusters, giving more work to the strongest finger of the hand.
Another benefit I find is that most split keyboards are fully programmable, which makes customizing it to your needs very nice.
The only drawback I find to this keyboard (apart from the price, which is not cheap) is that it is hefty, and not easy to transport. The fact that it is wired clutters a bit the desktop, if this is something that concerns you.
I recently built a corne low profile yo have something more transportable and wireless, but this is much more involved, as the configuration goes through writing code and not a nice UI.
However the comfort of this new board is very nice.
There was a whole subreddit dedicated to ergonomcal keyboards, ErgoMechKeyboards, which is very interesting to browse, as what I have done is seen as extreme by my coworkers, but tame compared to what some people are do.
I’ll explain as if your first language is not English.
Dry means something that has no moisture in it, like sand can be dry or wet.
Obviously something dry contains no moisture or liquids.
A Martini is a cocktail, mixed from mostly gin and vermouth. In this context, dry means “little vermouth”, so the taste of the gin is most prevalent.
So the joke is between the two different meanings of the word, as obviously a dry cocktail makes no sense if you take the first meaning of the word.