Gender Neutral Australian terms:
Fireman = Firey
Postman = Postie
Fisherman = Fisho
Policeman = Copper
Spokesman = Bullshitter
Garbageman = Garbo
Gender Neutral Australian terms:
Fireman = Firey
Postman = Postie
Fisherman = Fisho
Policeman = Copper
Spokesman = Bullshitter
Garbageman = Garbo
Now that we have reverse cycle AC (heat pumps), 100% is a low bar.
The Kirkland branding is everywhere. I see it at the Australian stores.
The correct order to watch all 4:
I was thinking about estimating stopping distances and reaction times. The number of metres you cover every second becomes important then.
It doesn’t explicitly say it, but that redefines the second to be 1/100,000th of a day.
Doing that would break everything.
That said, I wish speed limits were in m/s. It makes more sense to me.
Mine’s running a Wii on component YPbPr video. Looks mint!
I built a house with a garage. I laugh at the frostbitten peasant cruisers on a cold morning.
Sometimes I wash my car an hour before a thunderstorm. You can get away with these things.
Dude, a “1.44MB” floppy disk was 1.38MiB once formatted (1,474,560 B raw). It’s been going on for eternity.
It’s inconsistent across time though. 700MB on a CD-R was MiB, but a 4.7GB DVD was not.
RAM has always, without exception, been reported in 1024 B per KB. Inversely, network bandwidth has been 1000 B per KB for every application since the dialup days (and prior).
The Huntsman - Australia’s friendliest spider.
My wife does this, but there was a time that I was sidetalkin’ on a Nokia N-Gage so we’re square.
A 1TB SD card costs the same as a single vinyl LP right now.
It’s not even a concern.
However, I have a box of CDs that I ripped to 96kbps Vorbis in the early 2000s, and I think this time I’ll go straight to FLAC. Plex will transcode to the flavour-of-the-month codec on the fly when listening with limited bandwidth.
I still have to use MBR instead of GPT because there are people still running Windows versions that can’t read it.