Tbf, I kind of want to know how much zebraforce my car gets now, though
Tbf, I kind of want to know how much zebraforce my car gets now, though
Idk if they’ll be any good, but I thought this was interesting as a manual car driver when I saw it.
Toyota, however, has patented a way to provide the look and feel of a manual transmission in an electric car. … The car’s torque and performance will be altered as you “shift” to provide the feel of a gas-powered vehicle.
I’d still switch to an EV either way once I have a way to charge it at home
I think the main complaints came from running Amazon searches when you searched in Unity’s dash
Searching for something locally could unintentionally send searches to the internet
They’re removed now that Unity is gone, though
That quote is about the replacement phone, not the Blackberry
Any secure phone will have the same restrictions - the manufacturer doesn’t make much difference in this case