(In portuguese, because that’s what I write most often) Mulheres são paulo em uma vez por um grande número
Women are São Paulo at once for a large number. I hope that’s not misogynistic
Sorry! My photo didn’t load (still isn’t loading for some reason) and I thought you where talking about the transcription
Usually yes, but, at least in programming, “data is code, code is data” is a meme, in the sense that it’s sharable. And it’s not exactly funny, it’s just an idea.
But yeah, meme is used for intense-based jokes because it’s the norm
A meme is just something
funnythat you share
By the technical definition, it doesn’t even have to be funny, it only needs to be quickly sharable
This hit too close to home. I’ve been eating at the same place for the past three years, I just say “hi” and go to my usual table now.
Also the spider anatomy. I’ve explained the origin of Hotwheels sisyphus at least ten times now