Me as well, what am I supposed to do with this now?
What’s so bad about being a lurker?
The formatting is off for me. Does this work better?
I wasn’t aware you were offered to run it locally.
Does it just answer like this, or dies the internal monologue need be revealed somehow?
This is kind of meme, that if I was a priest (hypothetically that is, I am not one) and my congregation (again hypotheical, I dont have one) would send it to my aunt, I would see this as a kind of betryal. Would anyone agree?
Thank you, that is what I meant, I have clarified it thank you.
I mean my girlfriend can of course not be blamed for messages she receives, but I would see is as cheating from the side of my (hypothetical) friend, or if my hypothetical girlfriend would engage in this.
This is kind of meme, that if I had a therapist (hypothetically that is, I don’t have one) and my girlfriend (again hypothetical, don’t have one either) would send it to my therapist, I would see this as a kind of cheating. Would anyone agree?
This is kind of meme, that if I had a girlfriend (hypothetically that is, I don’t have one) and one of my friends (again hypothetical, don’t have one of those either) would send it to her, I would see this as a kind of cheating. Would anyone agree?
EDIT: I mean my friend would cheat on our friendship, or my girlfriend would cheat if she engaged in this.
It is sadistic, kids are sadistic.
I believe this Vsauce video explains the phenomenon I mean (I have not watched the video and can’t right now).
This guy is sigma maxing
There needs to one about that.
“Oh I really shouldn’t, I …”
“Come on dude, this one’s partly mouldy.”
It’s not like that, it’s a game for kids, when there is a yellow car you say “yellow car!” and you can punch someone on the shoulder, but only the first who sees it can do it.
Do know this thing about the two yellows? There is pure yellow and mixed yellow, both look yellow.
Oh, that’s why it never worked, thank you.