Orientation? Forward…
If that is/was a real product, they missed a perfect opportunity to make the bottles green and shaped like the pipes in Mario games.
Eggs don’t have nipples homie.
Well, not yet anyways, genetic engineers are working on it though…
Sadly, we can’t have chickens at our apartment, but maybe I can train our dog to lay eggs…
We’ve literally seen name brand eggs here in the southeast USA going for $11.99 for a dozen, literally a dollar each!
That’s where my meme started, I had $1 wrote on the eggs three times around, but later I decided to add some zeroes so they would have $1, $10, and $100 written around them, depending on which way they’re turned in the package.
We ain’t paying near that much for cheaper non name brand eggs, last we got was $6.87 for 18 eggs, a dozen and a half. Much better deal, but still quite a bit higher than it used to be.
We don’t know where you’re from, nor do we trust what kind of eggs you have available. Regardless, are you selling your eggs or auctioning them?
Here in Mississippi, we’ve seen a dozen eggs for $11.99, Tater Reeves can go fuck himself!
Hey, if it adds more time on the clock…
Don’t give Tim Cook any ideas, Apple is already way overpriced.
When people say eat the rich, I don’t think they mean eat food you can’t afford…
Well look at this fat cat over here that can afford clothes…
Yes, I’m going by the square of its length. Though I like your way of thinking 🍌
Yes, I assume that’s the average value they chose. Since they made the calculator, I consider that the go-to standard measurement.
On a side note, I did some additional research last night, and the average banana weighs between 100 and 120 grams, so 110 grams sounds good enough to me.
A dollar bill is approximately 0.876 bananas long, and 0.372 bananas wide, and has a surface area of about 0.326 square bananas.
So, $95 is about 30.96 square bananas. Might as well round up to 31 square bananas.
Feel free to check the math yourself:
Edit: In terms of banana market value, that is always fluctuating, but if a banana is duct taped to a wall, $95 is still not going to get you even one banana.
I before E, except after C. Coming from a freind…
I was kinda assuming the same, but I dunno, haven’t been keeping up with the news all that much the past couple days.
Regardless, have an upvote 👍
Interesting. Guess I’m out of the loop right now, context please?
Plot twist, it’s not AI that generated those fingers, that’s the hand he grabs women by the pussy with.
You forgot the basement nerd that’s hung like a gnat and hasn’t touched grass since 1984.
That’s why I live on the second floor…
Did you know that when you buy a pack of hot dogs from the store, they’re actually cold?
And fresh eggs? Don’t get me started on that, those eggs came out of the chicken’s ass like 3 days to a week ago!
They’ve been lying to us for ages!