I don’t think the term political correctness means what you think it means. :-)
I don’t think the term political correctness means what you think it means. :-)
Agree, I felt the bad effects of FB around then. It was just so pointless.
It’s interesting how your comment undercuts the message that it’s trying to express. You got the vocabulary wrong. It was a good try though.
Right… Except this is true for all online communities. People talk a lot of shit and complain a lot. Cope with it or log off.
Or blame it on the left, lol, whatever makes you happy.
And they can afford to flee far away and stay in hotels in the meantime.
Yes, some people will try to twist any type of system to benefit themselves. That’s true, and it’s also true that capitalism celebrates those evil motherfuckers, whereas some other forms of government don’t.
That’s why you need to define the term. Here’s the first result I got when I searched for a definition of capitalism.
An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development occurs through the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.
Can commerce occur in other systems? Of course it can. It has, it does, it will continue to do so.
By the way, commerce is not the same thing as capitalism.
Then you have a fundamental problem. Capitalists hate control. They hate regulation. They hate competition. And they spend a lot of money in power trying to get rid of all of it. The system is broken by design. Or rather, it was designed to benefit someone who is not you.
American healthcare?
Right right. I wouldn’t recommend using it.
More email providers is generally good, as long as you always have forwarding and import export options. It makes no sense for X to spend money on this, but hey, go for it.
Good luck handling the spam, lol.
We’re talking about the bubble here, not reasonable use cases. :-)
Plagiarism is defined in academic settings very precisely. Getting ideas and structure from others rarely meets the standard. Why? Because we do this all the time. Also, plagiarism is 100% legal, because of course it is! Imitation is often a good thing.
The buzz over AI art and especially AI wiritng? Sure did! Lots of snake oil there, not so interesting.
To be precise, we have no idea what evidence was collected or what it shows. All we know is what the cops said they found, and cops are notorious liars. Just ask Young Thug or Karen Read.
We can assume some of what the cops say is true, but the challenge is that we have no idea which parts.
Of course you know. You just do a lot less of what you’re currently doing… And then you likely to have different outcomes… I’m not saying that you should or shouldn’t do that, but the knowledge is there.
I don’t have the power to make you do anything. What could possibly have made you think otherwise? Strange, that. Well, apparently I have the power to make you go on a lengthy rant. But that’s okay, you do that.
Do we even have anything to discuss? You made a ridiculous post, according to the opinions of many but certainly not all, or some of us pointed out the ridiculousness of it, and you overreacted. It’s not a great start to a discussion. Probably it’s better to move on.
You better fix this. Start with the first sentence. For most of history, people died young and nobody knew why. And it was horrible shit.
How to say you don’t know what a word means without saying you don’t know what it means.