Actix-Web was one of the original web frameworks and is still very popular and well supported. That said, it’s in the process of being replaced by Axum which is by the people who created Tokio (the async framework underlying both Actix-Web and Axum). Axum is fairly well supported now, although maybe not quite as complete as Actix-Web.
It’s because Rust is a significantly higher level language than C (and C++ gets held back by it’s C roots). In C there’s no such thing as a method, there’s only pointers. The closest you get to a method is a function pointer. C++ expanded on that with the concepts of class, object, and method, but stopped half way leaving an object and a pointer to an object as distinctly different concepts that are treated differently by the language. In order to do anything with a pointer besides change its address in C++ it must be dereferenced. The
operator in C++ is really syntactic sugar for a dereference followed by a method invocation. In other words these are equivalentfoo->bar()
as stated in the quote you provided. C and C++ treat pointers as their fundamental abstraction and treat everything as special cases of pointers.Rust in contrast treats Objects as first class abstractions. It doesn’t really matter whether you’re dealing with the owned object or a reference to that object owned by a different scope, in either case the compiler knows at compile time what its type is and what traits it implements. Given that knowledge whether the method is invoked from the owned instance or a reference it’s treated exactly the same. Further because pointers as opposed to references are treated as second class citizens (relegated to the “here be dragons” of unsafe), the concerns of C/C++ about distinguishing between a pointer assignment and a pointer dereference aren’t particularly important. In general the times you need to explicitly dereference something are far more uncommon in Rust, with the compiler generally being able to work out on its own when it needs to dereference something or not.
The bit about the receiver just means that the compiler at compile time knows the actual concrete type of all references with the exception of dyn references which force compile time dynamic dispatch (in which case the compiler inserts and utilizes a vtable exactly like C++ does).