As a preheated oven, I can confirm this
As a preheated oven, I can confirm this
Colourblind people can’t pass this test
I love Bevy, I made a lot of little things that I loved to program. I’ve never developed such deep love with a programing paradigm. But recently I moved to Godot and actually started finishing projects. When I was using Bevy, I kept making tools, loaders, engines, formats just to make it possible to load into what I envisioned but never finished anything. In about 45 minutes I made multiplayer pong in Godot with different maps and game modes, lobby screen and main menu, what took me a couple of weeks in Bevy with UDP packet design and several iterations.
When I program in Rust, I go for perfection. When I use Godot, I actually finish stuff. Only realize this a bit late now.
For reference, I write custom applications for Shopify, including cart extensions in Rust using Shopify Functions and maintain a block-based blog manager that integrates with Shopify in PHP as well as several micro services in Node.js for other integrations.
If someone could tell me where it went wrong, please do, I love Bevy but I can’t use it effectively.
Well although it is true that my IP is always the same to the vpn, I make sure there is no logging happening since the vps is setup completely from scratch with wireguard on OpenBSD. A bigger plus for me is that the VPS is in another country rather than the UK since I don’t like the way ISPs here in England sell your information. I also have another VPS for interacting with work servers which only allow whitelisted IPs and my home IP is dynamic.
I agree so much, I got my own vpn on a private vps just to I can make sure there is no logging happening, so that I can live happy knowing that my data isn’t being sold and my webteam workmates were like “What? Why? Have you got anything to hide?”. No I don’t I just don’t want anything to listen in hugh…
Underrated comment