Somebody was sobtriggered by the graphic being off centered they had to break the window didn’t they?
Somebody was sobtriggered by the graphic being off centered they had to break the window didn’t they?
Sealion infestations are problematic. Be sure to call your local exterminator promptly whenever you encounter one.
Off-topic comment.
I appreciate the misuse of isle instead of aisle. The mental imagery of navigating around stores compromised of isles makes me want to go shopping so I can go on an island hopping adventure looking for booty to haul back to my kingdom.
It isn’t? I’ve been using the term since I picked up my first Android phone in 2010 and there were side-loaded apps everywhere. Hell, you used to have to side-load the Amazon Store app. And that was all just “download this apk and install it” Workflows.
ITT: Witnessing somebody learning what sideloading is and isn’t as technical as they think it is.
Lol… The Twitter offices are even in a nicer area of the SF business district. I’ve walked around that building many times in the middle of the night and during the day and have never felt unsafe.
What a weirdo.
A spouse, housing, and 2.5 kids is quite a lot of motivation for people to work in the coal mines knowing they’ll be at high risk of lung cancer.
Now switch the damage to groups unseen instead of yourself. Yep… People just trying to survive.
It fucking sucks.
TBH, I never dug into rational wiki. However the timeline is fairly accurate from what I watched what happened to my friends both in the game industry and my former friends that were gamers (hint, i worked in games when this shit was unfolding).
Unfortunately, no other “timeline” source exists, with Wikipedia starting its paragraphs of history with Zoe Quinn creating Depression Quest, and many many other articles starting there as well. Some people like to attribute a slightly earlier event of a handful of journalists critiquing gamers over their reactions to the Mass Effect 3 ending, but that doesn’t really fit with how quickly things snowballed after “The Zoe Post”.
I stand against gamergate buddy.
Your timeline of events and triggers are off though.
I vividly remeber this time period and witnessing these events unfold live. I lost a good deal of people I considered friends at the time due to the misogyny that rose out.
You’re right though, gamergate followers were radicalized by what we now know as the “Alt-right”.
Gamergate started with “The Zoe Post”, not the removal of jailbait.
“The Zoe Post” is a hit piece from an Ex-boyfriend of game developer Zoe Quinn that alleged that she slept with a notable game reviewer to get positive reviews for her game. Said reviewer never actually reviewed her game.
Please don’t re-write the history of these events. Especially since jailbait had been removed for around a year when “The Zoe Post” dropped.
Hungarian kitchen? Wtf does this mean?
I grew up in a 2nd generation Hungarian American family and we cooked tons of cheap, and amazing foods. Goulash, paprikash, and pierogis are all “pesant/farmer” foods and are cheap as all hell, not to mention they boast amazing flavors. Additionally you can explore regional and family variantions on the recipes and never run out fresh experiences.
Paprika is amazing, use it, love it, live it.
As somebody that’s been working on computer hardware since the early-to-mid 90s, installing the drivers before connecting the printer was the norm. It was actually the norm for most peripherals. Just be glad you didn’t have to do manual irq assignment. Hell, that is probabaly the issue, is that the driver installer borked the irq assignment when the device already had a handshake agreement with the hardware.
I digress though, this shouldn’t have been the pattern for a modern printer in 2007, when PnP had been standard for several years at that point.
Easiest way would be to use RFID tags. Many products have them hidden in their packaging already, and for those that don’t you can use a reusable RFID sticker
Image recognition would be somewhat possible, but honestly, a far more intensive process and over engineered.
All that said, this is overkill for the average home. Even me, with ADHD and forgetting what I have if I can’t see it, thinks this is a bad solution for me. I’d rather just keep my fridge at no more than 60% capacity so I can easily manage my fridge by always seeing the contents when I open it.
Needs to have a facemorph of Seal (the singer).
To resell them on Amazon for $4.99 a pop to rubes that don’t buy a box on AliExpress for $4.99
BBS predate chatrooms and are proto-forums.
Somebody was so triggered by the graphic being off center they just had to break that window.