I mean, OP provided a source link.
I mean, OP provided a source link.
Went through a bout of sleep paralysis episodes many years ago. Started suddenly and stopped a few months later just as suddenly. No idea why. However, my wife now has standing orders that if I’m mumbling urgently in my sleep, she should interpret that as me screaming, “WAKE ME THE FUCK UP!”
As are Big Macs.
I think you’ll find you’ll start getting taken way more seriously online when you start typing like an adult. Use whole words, not stupid abbreviations. Capitalize and punctuate appropriately.
Who says it was accidental?
I don’t understand why so many people can’t just go get their own damn food. Uber eats hasn’t been around long enough for you all to have forgotten what you did before, has it? How did you survive back then?
I would love to know how much of a roll that meme played in her choice of degree. Like, in the parallel universe where everything is identical up to this fire, but this picture wasn’t taken (ie, the camera didn’t work or something), did she still choose that degree?