My brother in Christ, we are the Terminators
Those damn degens from upcountry
This is top tier research
the only real hint that they’re going to cause trouble is if their username ends in or
Lol what a bunch of bullshit. Why do I always see tankies scare mongering people off
Checked comment history. Yup, tankie as fuck
“Put a little nazi armband on the Ukrainian then add NATO pouring gasoline all over”
I mean if I can’t have an endzone-mounted CIWS to BRRRRRT footballs out of the sky, what’s the point anymore?
Wouldn’t it make a difference in cases where the nameserver and host are not the same entity?
Jim Darkmagic would wear this dual wielding wands
A community so nice, we have it twice
Don’t you dare show this to NCD. They’re thirsty enough already
Fair point, I agree there should be such a check. It seems for now that the only ones affected were people who tried to intentionally mess with it. It will be a hard goal to reach completely because what’s ok and healthy for some could also be a deathly allergic reaction for others. There’s always going to have to be some personal accountability for the person preparing a meal to understand what they’re making is safe.
That’s a bit dramatic of a take. The AI makes recipe suggestions based on ingredients the user inputs. These users inputted things like bleach and glue, and other non-food items, to intentionally generate non-food recipes.
The speech bubble says “I’ll come to you” and the text under the face says “Win a visit from Davis”. It’s an older meme that’s been reuploaded it seems.
Jpeg artifacting from saving and reuploading again and again is like seeing meme erosion. Like seeing the weathered effects of time but in a digital form. I kind of dig it in a way.
If you were interested in critical discussion, you wouldn’t have written that in a meme community on a completely unrelated comment. Obvious troll is obvious.
Needs more lights so I can blind the crap out of everyone in front of me