Ublock origin -> filters -> annoyances
wwa, lewactwo
Ublock origin -> filters -> annoyances
Which doesn’t change the fact that the new movies are snoozefest
When you think about it, it does make sense from the business point of view. Banks don’t make money on individual customers, so the ones that use physical locations. They make money off corporate customers, who are terribly unlikely to ever need to talk to a clerk in person. And with individual customers moving to online banking, it’s even less justifiable to run a physical location.
You guys can afford houses?
I think it’s about money, just like with Vanced. Google didn’t care for the hacked YouTube client before the team behind the mod tried to make money off of it. Now Yuzu did the same and Nintendo went after them.
I recommend Material Files from f-droid, it seems more barebones, but is superior in terms of functionality, especially for power-users and rooted devices (also available in the Play Store)
Unfortunately the conservative wing of PO, entire PSL and most MPs from P50 will still vote against. What can you do
the sad thing is his rotten-brain voters support this incident
Edit: and launched a fundraiser for his legal defense now
Edit: the fundraisers are down
Blast rope at Luigi hentai?..
It’s either that or blasting rope to Luigi hentai is not a sin
You should of spelt it correctly
then picking what 40% of people picked shouldn’t make you pass, cause you’re in a minority. your original argument is invalid.
That was in text captcha days
if roughly 40% or more of people agree on a square you’ll pass.
If 40% of people think a square contains the necessary object then 60% think it doesn’t, and vice versa.
If they have their keyboard set to a different language but type in English anyway, then it learns English words exactly how they’re spelled. Which means they probably spelled Window with capital W at some point and then it got autocorrected to that exact spelling.
Fat people know they are fat. Reminding them of the fact in order to encourage weight loss brings the opposite effect.