Not familiar with the gamefaqs community, but the others probably have a fairly circular Venn diagram between those angsty teen boys and gamers. Especially 4Chan. Twitter lately has been embracing the alt-right that fosters those angsty teen boys as well.
Maybe in wrong, I dont know. From my personal experience at least, which is being a male thats played video games since before the turn of the century, I dont see any of the people I play games with or have played games with over the last few decades holding these types of views. That may just be down to who I chose to play games with though.
My wife doesnt play much anymore, but she used to get the whole “woah a grill in my game?” Thing, but it was usually harmless and didnt go much further than those initial comments.
Is it our property though?
Intellectually speaking yes, but legally speaking? Probably not. Chances are if its stored on their servers, it belongs to them.