A linux PC would involve some amount of tinkering.
The steam deck is foolproof, a 6 year old can play games on it with no issues, so it’s a console. The PC mode is just a nice extra.
A linux PC would involve some amount of tinkering.
The steam deck is foolproof, a 6 year old can play games on it with no issues, so it’s a console. The PC mode is just a nice extra.
We’re lucky to have valve. They actually managed to make a console without the downsides of a console.
My OLED deck has arrived today, can’t wait to use it.
My personal machines are all on linux already. But unfortunately my work laptop isn’t and won’t be unless I find a different job.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Win is one of the most windows things that could happen. You just press some keys that should do nothing and boom, microsoft ad. I hope the EU version of windows will be stripped of that crap.
Because it isn’t anything new.
Just use monospace fonts for everything. As a bonus you can feel like a haxxor
ich_iel is the worst place to learn german, the running gag is to translate stuff from english literally while actively ignoring the context.
Yes, there’s !deutsch_lernen@feddit.de .
Shuffle uses a limited list that rarely gets updated, but not just the 100 most recent ones. You can force it refresh by turning off shuffle and force closing the app.
This has been memed about forever, no one knows what the majority does.
These things feel like they are made by microsoft. You click somewhere, wait 3-10 seconds and then you can click again.
It has to be more sophisticated than that. Otherwise users could easily taint the datasets by giving wrong answers on purpose.
It probably checks your answer against the current model’s best guess and if it’s close enough, you get a pass and your input is added to the training data for the next iteration. The more wrong you are, the more challenges you get.
I still don’t know whether you’re supposed to hit those and I also don’t know if it’s normal to get two challenges or if that just means I did the first one wrong.
An app that lets you watch stuff from youtube, twitch, patreon, odyssey and more while respecting your privacy and having a better UI than any other streaming app.
I agree that creating a culture of sustainability is a good thing, but the example I gave does the exact opposite. It alienates people, especially the ones who now live in fear of going bankrupt when their heating breaks and they aren’t allowed to repair it anymore.
But that doesn’t matter. The real issue is that people heat their homes with oil or gas. Luckily our great leaders are fighting the actual problems! /s
Window manager? I use tmux directly on the tty, that way there’s much less that can break.
This is nothing compared to echo “alias np=new_program” >> ~/.zshrc
Entropy says no.
Energy likes to be heat and the only way to get heat energy out of something is by having a temperature differential. ACs spit out air that’s hotter than the environment so you could theoretically turn some of that back into useful energy, but the cost of doing that outweighs the benefits.
The boost app has a karma counter, maybe people want to see the funny number go up.