Idk if it exactly belongs in 196 but holy shit. Also Pablo/you sounds like a more dysfunctional version of me, which possibily says a lot about me. My whole dnd experience wasn’t as insane as yours but I have met every single person at one point or another in life.
Also the 196 meme is shoving rule into the title somewhere.
Ears are made of bone?
I agree. Sometimes you get very lucky. I was volunteering at a boy scout camp and happened upon an absolute nerd of a man. Same kind of computer nerd as me. (linux, open source hardware) the whole nine. We just worked together at random too.
Basically go volunteer, you’ll run into interesting people.
I had realized after I posted that. Didn’t actually edit the comment.
Check to see if it’s an orphaned file. What is an orphaned file? - Google Drive Community
If you used GDrive, it might have kept the old backup but version controlled it instead of deleting it.
Haven’t seen that meme source in a while.
I mean that’s all most people would need. It’s more of the “oh I have this tool and this is other tool on sale and it takes the same batteries”.
I’m also in an apartment so I just have basic hand tools and an electric screwdriver.
Most consumer tools are made by like 2 or 3 companies, they all have different colors but are largely the same guts within a parent company’s holdings.
Direct tools factory outlet is run by TTI. Milwaukee, Rigid, Ryobi are all made by TTI. Stanley Black and Decker owns Dewalt, Black and Decker (duh), Craftsman, MAC Tools and Porter cable.
Bauer and Hercules are doin their own thing but the batteries are pretty decent.
Beavers are like the spiders in your bathroom at 3 am. Yes you are useful but not in this context.
paperback with extensions works on ios
Can I get the actual source for this? It looks cute.
Isn’t foone an Asahi Linux dev?
Yup thats tekko (convention) and the david Lawrence convention center.