just ask them to send a screenshot
that’s why I set my alarm for when I want to sleep
and put it on silent so I can sleep
I hear it takes a long time on Macs too!
thankfully I don’t have this problem on my Gentoo
I don’t even know the guy
can we stop only posting irrelevant political memes?
japan uses line korea uses kakao talk china uses wechat us uses sms, rcs, imessage, fb messenger rest of the world uses whatsapp
jaaved jaaferi was the best
snapdragon 801! wow how is it running with daily useage?
are you using lineageos or some other ROM?
you said only arm64 and x86 apk I’m asking why you said that
are you using risc-v or something else?
what other platform exists that you are using?
google uses blink which is forked from WebKit
you see, they aren’t fucking up chrome
they are fucking up the internet
we use !community@instance
but idk if that works for posts, let me try
edit- doesn’t work, it seems
Fuck around and find out!
findmydevice on fdroid
I’d like to interject for a moment and say,
algorithm provides content in a way that they become a consoomer and more often than not, we actually feel guilty and sad after an hour of scrolling and realising we wasted so much time (like post masturbation sadness)
I wonder if German govt. funds Mozilla
something like the sovereign tech fund for gnome
tax money should improve public infrastructure and Firefox is digitally doing that