Or switch to linux and you can make it always be an animated, sentient gauntlet
Mastodon: https://eldritch.cafe/@norawibb
ask me about veganism
Or switch to linux and you can make it always be an animated, sentient gauntlet
Is range some dialect-specific word? I’ve never heard that one.
One livestream shouldn’t be doing that. I think you got a messed up extension or something.
I just checked it out. And to test, I opened 15 tabs in firefox and refreshed. Just fine lol. Not sure what problem that person has besides maybe too many firefox extensions.
What? It’s just a livestream.
You can use it while your car is off. And like another said it’s more reliable. But obviously its a minor thing and there’s a reason new cars dont have them. Still miss it tho lol
just upgraded my car but i miss my crank windows
Yeah its the underpaid teachers fault and not the rules and safety around being in charge of minors. Schools get sued all the time over every little thing. Schools around here are losing teachers and hiring unqualified random people because theres no money. Yeah lets make the education system worse than it already is.
im defending the people it was directed at
What a coincidence, my name is also Jugemu Jugemu Go-Kō-no-Surikire Kaijari-suigyo no Suigyō-matsu Unrai-matsu Fūrai-matsu Kū-Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yaburakōji no Burakōji Paipo Paipo Paipo no Shūringan Shūringan no Gūrindai Gūrindai no Ponpokopii no Ponpokonā no Chōkyūmei no Chōsuke
haha silly commie. if there’s no money, where you gonna get your money?
I literally said I donate dumbass. I don’t want Sync for free cunt. I don’t want Sync at all if it uses ads I have to pay to remove when I have a free alternative. That’s not a cheapskate decision. That’s called not wasting my fucking money. If someone likes Sync, then it isn’t a waste for them.
And I reply each time you do. Doesn’t take that long. Beyond that, the people digging this far are like you. My original comments are upvoted so clearly I’m not against everyone here…
No I don’t. Not once did indicate that at all.
ur funny
Doesn’t have to be the only thing you do. Where do you think FOSS software comes from?
i said don’t need not don’t use. its such a ridiculous comment to call people cheapskates. this defence of Sync is wild in these comments.
The original post is about someone using a free app (the web app). They check out Sync and see that it has ads and costs money otherwise, and that cost has no regional pricing (apparently). So they continue to use the web app. It’s a fair complaint and it doesn’t make them a cheapskate. Doesn’t have anything to do with other people’s choices. Doesn’t mean the dev is an evil person. It’s a just a bruh moment they had.
It was definitely buggy as hell if thats what you mean. But yeah it’s improved and I don’t have issues with anything anymore.