Any time someone says “I was banned for no reason!” there always turns out to be a reason.
Sure mods can be dicks but have you met most users?
Any time someone says “I was banned for no reason!” there always turns out to be a reason.
Sure mods can be dicks but have you met most users?
You can be an exploited, underpaid and overworked farm laborer pretty easily if that’s something you want.
Assuming this is real (it’s not) the art teacher might possibly be right in saying dial it back. Subtlety and nuance are great in art. People like to interpret artists meaning (even if it’s pretty obvious). If they’re anything like the art teachers I’ve had they were familiar with feminism and trying to help the student grow as an artist.
I’m happy to see you’re not talking in the 3rd person anymore though.
Drag should read more theory.
I probably wouldn’t classify it that way. It’s a cesspool but not really what I’d consider “far right” like say Stormfront.
You’ll find people openly arguing with Nazis so it’s not really fair to say it’s a far right forum as much as it is just a complete cesspool where the worst side of people comes out.
FWIW I wouldn’t really consider Telegram a far right forum either even though they’re definitely there and highly visible.
Aka, “Why Don’t You Respond to Criticism?”
It all boils down to bad faith. They don’t care what argument you make, you’ll never sway them. They’re not interested in the debate with you as much as as they are just getting their bullshit out there for randos to read. Like you say, while you’re finding sources and making sure everyone agrees on terminology they’ve already said 3 more things that are completely wrong.
4chan is a “far-right forum” now?
why do you hate David Spade?
I thought we were supposed to. Isn’t that half his characters?
So you’re saying socialism is the same as Marxism right?
I just need to touch base so we can circle back.
The episode of Maury I saw, the guy found out he wasn’t the father and started break dancing all over the stage, it was great.
I am a man, therefore everything I do is masculine.
As the top comment points out, they banned Linkerbaan. You could argue it was a public service.
Women are just the same as you want to know what to say and what is your communities in a relationship or a bowl.
Normalize men wearing skirts.
Boobs are universal, everyone loves boobs. Men, women, kids, gay, straight, everything in between and all across the spectrum. They’re fundamental to life, boobs are great and should be celebrated every chance we get.
I’ve watched that video a dozen times and even in the heavily edited video you can tell the guy won’t leave him alone. That was apparently the third interaction they had
Bart Sibrel is a conspiracy theorist, liar, and a grifter and wiki makes it sound like he had it coming. Say what you want about “patriotism” and “heros” and the military industrial complex; Buzz Aldrin climbed on top of a rocket and rode it into space and was only the second person to step foot on another celestial body. He was a fighter pilot before that and was the first astronaut with a PhD. He lost close personal friends in the space program, they all did. IMO he be allowed another jab if he wants.
Haha, we have some signs like that here advertising a cave (tourist attraction in an area with little else).
A coworker just told me last week she favored really hairy, kind of dirty manual labor type guys and I don’t really think its rare. It takes all kinda to make the world go 'round.
What a fucking jerkoff, billions of dollars at his disposal, he’s probably got designers and renowned artists on speed dial…
…and the most creative he can get is “a shirt, but in a fun print!”