Hell yeah! Great work!
Hell yeah! Great work!
It’s also a sign of people everywhere championing the truth. This gives me hope!
I’m still sick to my stomach over the murder of Tortuguita, and every wrongful death, arrest, and demonization campaign of people that are doing what’s right for the public good. All I can give is my utmost support and adoration for those defending our rights as humans on this planet, and for our environment. Despite this, I know good will continue to propagate and prevail. We know we are gaining momentum when they start with these bullshit tactics. I’ll be here, practicing radical hope.
Can’t help but praise all the journalists and whistleblowers in history and now that have met their demise by speaking truth to power and lifting the veil of untruth for people to see. That which is done in the dark will eventually come to the light. The sacrifice made by those that do this work for the public good are a beacon of hope for me, and they have my respect and thanks. Now it’s about strength in numbers…
Solidarity! Let’s continue the Labor movement for all workers everywhere!
Well that doesn’t bode well for places experiencing an Urban Heat Island effect. They’ll need shade provided by trees now more than ever.
The industry’s lobby is so pervasive that any regulation will be fought, no matter how small. I don’t know what it’s going to take to face the numerous harms that we have to address when it comes to cars and driving, but if the industry and regulators won’t care about human health and environmental harms, it’s just going to keep being bad.
Hilariously, I have about the same number saved. It’s all kinds of places that I’ve been, want to go to, or just want to keep saved as reference, from all over the world. They just kinda built up over the years and I’m thankful for this thread because I want to make the switch.
So glad someone other than me is pointing this out!
This article really struck a chord with me. Maybe it’s confirmation bias, but I feel so much of the same things described here, and I do see NYC changing as it was told. I love NY for exactly the diverse and no-nonsense, hard-working attitudes that persisted here for decades. All of the color of life that makes NY so unique is rooted in the working class population… And they’re being squeezed out of every space, not just here, but everywhere.
Such a good blog post. It covers so much important information in an entertainingly snarky tone.
I’m such a major fan of the FTC and Chair Khan right now. This is spot on.
Hell yeah! I hope they continue to get ‘TUF’ on bad housing policy… 😎
100%. I had to find news about this young boy being killed by Utica Police on social media - I heard nothing about the follow up before this, and nothing in any common media source. Much appreciated to see this and know that the people of Utica are standing up for justice!
Lots of corp-friendly entities are making big moves in the courts lately, and it feels like previous efforts by Republicans to install conservative judges everywhere are showing. The time needed to undo this damage could take years.
The fact that so many international companies have decided to side with a major aggressor during this terrible event in history is one of the most awful things I didn’t expect to witness. We all know that big business and money shapes world politics, but damn… This is straight up horrible. It could be any of us for any reason moving forward.
Imo, if we want ethical and green, then billionaires should be taxed more heavily for the good of us all.
I’ve never felt unsafe on the subway. Sure, I’m always looking around to be aware of my surroundings, but the only thing I see is people just trying to live, get from A to B, entertain, (have unexpected bodily functions), argue, and actually be good to each other. It’s actions like you would find in any other major city, but NYC has such density that people generally live and let live. The article is absolutely spot on and reinforced my experiences that perception is driving this frivolous law enforcement spending, not statistics.
Thank you for this. I also found an app that scans barcodes for products supporting genocide called “No Thanks!”. I’m unsure how often it’s updated but it seems like it gets them regularly.
Ooh this is really insightful for someone who knows little about the details of tracking and browsing on the Internet. Thanks!