They will keep him under the wraps until he is forgotten and are planning to never let him be the face of anything.
They will keep him under the wraps until he is forgotten and are planning to never let him be the face of anything.
What was the reason behind this practice?
How do you like them apples?
What the fuck, phone?
women are so cute but I’m so sorry for the heads
You’re right to be afraid. It’s too late to ask, sorry.
I’ve read some studies that talk about how cabbages in a patch release a warning scent when one of them is being harvested. The scent actually propagates, and even non harvested cabbages release the scent further down the patch to warn other cabbages.
I mean, people hardly ever eat carnivores. Even pigs, which are omnivores, are 90% of the time herbivores. I don’t even eat meat, but this argument never made sense to me. Yes, there are countries where people eat dogs, but that doesn’t mean dogs and cats are equivalent to cattle. You can make an argument for horses though.
When I was graduating college 15 years ago, I wanted to create a professional firstname.lastname email. was starting to get traction and Hotmail was getting phased out, but I was advised to create my professional email under because it would seem ‘more professional’.
My main email is still the 007 related gmail I created first.
Albert Excel
My comments and posts deleted using power delete have been coming back one by one.
Where’s cursedimamges when you need it the most.
Depends on where you extract from. Draining it tastes a lot different from squeezing/blending.
I thought it said ‘human juice’, and for very concerned for a second
Even their joy is kinder.
I need this book, stat. I bought a set of ‘wooden’ chess pieces only to find out they were plastic.