- Israel is killing civilians, including children, while attempting to eradicate Hamas
- Calls for a ceasefire happen so Israel stops killing innocents
- “muh ceasefire don’t work, you need to eradicate Hamas first”
Now tell me, where in that comment chain do you, explicitly, state that no civilians should be killed in the attempt to remove Hamas from Gaza?
You cannot remove Hamas by means of force without at the same time killing an incredibly large number of innocent civilians. You demanding Hamas has to be eradicated first is, implicitly, stating that you are A-OK with Israel slaughtering innocents in the process.
As you say they are a terrorist organization, they use human shields. You cannot state your argument in some fantasy reality where Hamas and the IDF suddenly play by the rules of engagement.
in Germany it was not the brutality of the allies victory that dissuaded people, it was the totallity of it. The people weren’t stupid so when they saw the massive amount and types of material the alies carted through Germany they knew they lost. The German people were not well of at that point yet here come the US soldiers throwing chocoloate around like ti’s nothing. Stuff like that imprints really hard just how badly you lost.
But yeah with Japan the US had to first display that they were willing and cappable to turn the entire country to rubble before the leadership surrendered.