Just some IT guy

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Context:

    • Israel is killing civilians, including children, while attempting to eradicate Hamas
    • Calls for a ceasefire happen so Israel stops killing innocents
    • “muh ceasefire don’t work, you need to eradicate Hamas first”

    Now tell me, where in that comment chain do you, explicitly, state that no civilians should be killed in the attempt to remove Hamas from Gaza?

    You cannot remove Hamas by means of force without at the same time killing an incredibly large number of innocent civilians. You demanding Hamas has to be eradicated first is, implicitly, stating that you are A-OK with Israel slaughtering innocents in the process.

    As you say they are a terrorist organization, they use human shields. You cannot state your argument in some fantasy reality where Hamas and the IDF suddenly play by the rules of engagement.

  • you childishly ignore all the context present

    Going by the remark you close the previous comment with the only person being childish here is you. If your reaction to being called out is demanding the other user delete their account (I’m being favorably with the interpretation here) that says a lot about your ability to handle criticism.

    Now I’m going to generously assume you just lack the English language skills to have this discussion in a manner where you can properly articulate your point (because apparently what everyone else here takes away from your comments is not what you think you wrote). Given that assumption I can only give you my well meant suggestion of not engaging in discussions using the English language. If you can’t properly articulate your point then there is no point in having a discussion. Discussion only works if communication is bidirectional and clear which is not the case when one side loses half their arguments in translation.

  • Sort of but also not at the same time, for example there is a distinct difference between Central/Western and Eastern Europe. In Central/Western Europe each country has several regions with above average GDP whereas in Eastern Europe pretty much only the capitals, if that, are above average. Which just goes to show that the scars of the iron curtain have not healed yet and more needs to be done to even out the field. This becomes rather apparent if you look at Germany and realize that the border of below and above average pretty much exactly follows the former east-west-border

  • ho boy, here we go again.

    At this point in time that conflict has been going on for so long, I have no clue anymore who started it. So all I can do is judge both sides by their current actions without historical justification which, to me, results in fanatical religious fascists fighting fanatical religious fascists with neither side caring for civilian casualties. Not exactly a situation in which I’d support any side tbh.

  • Had a unicorn moment a while back. Ordered an SSD and for whatever reason the seller didn’t use detailed tracking but only the basic “has been delivered” one. Amazon status turns from “Expected today” to “running late”, thing is: the package was there (letter sized, hence no accurate tracking info… on a 100€ package) tracking status did NOT update so I just got the money refunded, while still getting the ssd. I was tempted to try my luck again but ultimately decided not to.

  • I did not bring my gun when I was checking what is going on is because I do not have one. But at that moment I really wished I had.

    OP brings up guns which is why I mentioned them. You are btw correct in your “it’s a culture” argument but that doesn’t change the facts. Finland doesn’t have high gun ownership because people buy them at the supermarket btw, they just take their gun home after serving their conscription term. Same with Switzerland btw.

  • Doesn’t matter what the situation actually was. The US has an object problem with gun violence. Just speaking statistics the US had more deaths in mass shootings and number of mass shootings in a single year than the entirety of Europe has in more than a decade, probably multiple decades looking at the numbers. Which gets really sad considering we have twice as many people living here. Guns aren’t the solution to your gun violence problem they are the fucking problem. Doesn’t matter if it’s thugs banging on your door or just some neighbours kid playing a prank all a gun does in any situation is increase the number of dead or seriously injured people afterwards. People in the Balkan countries are more responsible about gun ownership and a lot of those guys still have/had junk from the Yugoslav war lying around in the basement. They recently had a tragic mass shooting in Serbia after which the government announced an amnesty program for unregistered firearms. Guess what happened? People registered that too many guns just lying around is a problem and turned theirs in en masse.

  • Imagine that you live in a suburb. Imagine it is 3am, you are drunk and want to go home. You forgot/lost your keys somewhere so you knock on your door to wake up whoever you are living with. Unfortunately for you in your drunk stupor you knocked on the wrong door and are now dead because someone with 0 gun training was allowed to buy and use one, got scared and shot you because they were frightened.

    The way I always see Americans speak about these late night incidents you’d think Europe would have collapsed from lack of guns in people’s homes…

  • Neshura@bookwormstory.socialtoMemes@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Compute intensive stuff usually demands those levels of RAM. I know for gaming the recommendation nowadays is 16GB while 8GB are considered “works for now”. There are some games though that still benefit from more RAM (I upgraded to 32GB on my old PC for a Beta of a Sim game as it maxed out my 16GB to the point of lagging my PC)

  • Neshura@bookwormstory.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlAccurate.
    1 year ago

    I’m usually baffled whenever companies do a long term face-plant for the sake of short term profit. Really goes to show that what academics like to theorize about capitalism isn’t reflected in reality. Sure the system might work with people interested in long term gains but it very obviously is run by people that want short term gratification and in general just more of whatever they already have. Mostly that means money, because swimming in money still is not enough for these people.

    Loot boxes and streaming are the best examples, the companies could have had a thing where they just print money. All they had to do was to moderate themselves a bit and not extort the customer for the last cent. But no, insane amounts of cash flow/profit are not enough, it needs to be ludicrously insane amounts. And after that some more.

  • The 30% of all operation systems, which only gets beaten by Android.

    funny you mention that, wanna know what you get if you look at the Kernel running underneath Android? Oh would you look at that, it’s actually Linux…

    I do agree on the weird obsession with hating windows but lack of market share is not the reason it happens, it’s probably more due to people leaving Windows in the first place because they were immensely unsatisfied with it (Unlike Windows or Mac there are very few Linux Pre-Built PCs out there so chances are any given Linux Desktop User actively decided on that choice) and are now just hung up and bashing on it.