As if that is actually soled for that price :o.
As if that is actually soled for that price :o.
Have a look at your roof :*
It’s because unlike with american cards you have to confirm the transaction on the card reader while it shows you the amount (with either a pin or signature in some cases). After you confirmed it the transaction cannot be changed, i.e. the tip cannot be added. So the american way of tipping does not work with foreign cards.
I don’t understand why credit cards are secured so badly in the states. Here you can’t adjust a charge after it has been confirmed (plus you usually have to enter a pin whan swiping the card if the amount is over a certain threshold).
Kind of related: when my family went to the US for vacation and we ate at some restaurant, the waitress came with the bill, my dad said something like “make it $x”. When she sait to just write in the tip on the bill and my dad told her that won’t work she insisted that thats how it always works (which tbf it probably does for american customers). Sure enough when we checked the card statement later on they just took out the original amount, not the tip writen in.
Watched it today and could not stop myself from referencing life of brian, when paul said he was not the messiah.
Whenever this gets discussed, a bunch of status quo warriors pop out of wells to say “Trump is worse.” Like, no shit.
Yes, but it still needs to be said every time because it would be detremental to leave even the tiniest chance for this (valid) critique of Biden to help Trump in the presidential election. That is why I think it’s inportant to point out the obvious (Trump is way worse) because it is obvious to most but might not be to some and it would be a massive Issue if those people could take this discourse as reason not to vote for Biden in november.
Joink as in stealing (I have no fucking clue how to spell that maybe it should be yoink idk?)
Even before clicking on the link I was like, oh yeah, like Bernd Höcke.
Fair then (not the arrest obv.), I didn’t spot that in the article linked in the post, quite an important detail to leave out.
How is arresting a diplomat not a bigger scandal?
In a few decades maybe. Or in a non-voting manner similar to norway, but with how they sabotaged the eu from the inside while they were in it and the very conservative politics over there I don’t think the UK rejoining as a full member would be beneficial to the EU at this point.
Its the average for Q1 23: [](statisa 2023)
Germans typically stay far longer in their rented homes
Yeah, partially because you can not find anything new at nearly the same price
, which are cheaper
For those with old contracts, Berlin for example is at 13€/m^2 for new rentals. With a median household income of 2117€/month that would be a 54 m^2 appt for one household assuming you spent 1/3 of your income on rent.
(All of that even assuming you can find an appartment at all)
Huh, seems cheap
Wth, I always use them to pay when I have one…