Does that load?
Does that load?
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Sus
Can this one sing too or only make gluck gluck? sorry
That is the number 1 reason for me too. Although steam solves this problem partially with their return policy. But I don’t want to pay the price upfront everytime, so I resolve to piracy until I know if I want to buy the game.
makes sense to me. big if true
This is not an either-or situation you know
You can go without rebooting if you always have power, don’t care about updates (security) and don’t run into bugs.
It’s done with multiple servers I guess. One updates/reboots while the other ones don’t.
You don’t need a bootloader if you don’t reboot
The first who tasted has a gift to bestow on the sacrificers. A gift of sweet taste and stickiness. The receiver will not be of better than before the surprise.
May the dice roll in favor of the light, that you, imprisoned by shadows, can become a witness of the wandering minds.
The real problem is pride and greed. The wish for unlimited gains in an limited universe. But to be less abstract and more specific, it depends on the topic. I described a template, not a specific problem. Not every problem is easy to spot, but in transportation for example it is personal transportation via cars.
Efficiency is good, but as long as things don’t have 100% efficiency (which is impossible for everything besides heaters) it is still a question of limited resources.
Cars of any kind are not sustainable for every person to own and use, no matter what kind of energy source is used. This applies to a lot of areas. The wrong things get deliberately called the problem, so when companies fix these problems people are happy to buy the new products. But the new products are still part of the real problem. Don’t defend companies
Just a normal conversation with a Malkavian (VTM)
I’m sorry but your example shows that we don’t solve shit. We search for new ways to get even more of the limited resources. We don’t search for solutions, but for ways to keep making easy money. We as in the most powerfull companies.
this belongs on a tshirt
If only things would be that easy
If only feeling euphoria were that easy