Are all not all product names kinda made up?
Like a “Steinschleuder” also is made up to describe the item - just like my chainsaw example earlier
Are all not all product names kinda made up?
Like a “Steinschleuder” also is made up to describe the item - just like my chainsaw example earlier
Well, yeah, it’s a name of a thing, but it’s not like a brand product name.
Just like chainsaw is the name for a tool
At least I don’t know of any other describing this kind of tool, that would be more general
Or maybe I just understood you wrong…?
Well, depends on what you need to restart.
If it’s just a service or two, then it’s pretty quick.
Obviously you need to know, what you’re doing.
And I think that’s pretty hard with windows, because it never tells you, what it’s actually doing during an update.
With Linux it’s much more transparent and often the restart of a service is just part of my update routine.
No need to close and save all my open stuff, and reboot. Just restart the few services that got an update and that’s pretty much it.
So, really depends on the update, the transparency of it and also the personal insight/skill
Not of you need to wait for ever for an update to finish during shutdown, when you just want to pack up your laptop and finally leave the work site - and afterwards it somehow needs the same time to boot up again, because it’s preparing out finishing something, without ever telling you, what the hell it’s actually doing all the time
And usual reboot only takes like 20s, you’re right there, but not with a windows update blocking a normal shutdown or startup
Why does it need to be hot?
Wouldn’t that be a safety concern?
So, like Trump, Musk, Putin, Kim Jong-Un,…?
Pretty much every (wanna-be) dictator was/is a narcissistic petulant child.
Not sure how good distilled water will burn…
Maybe it would be more of a rust bomb with that ingredients?
Exactly what the graffiti artist would say ;-)
Seems they also had the idea of some ‘flatulence bomb’, with the idea that the enemy couldn’t hide anymore, because they would be smelled from afar
I guess the halitosis thing was kinda the same idea
(Source: all from the Wikipedia article about the gay bomb)
I completely get all that, but looking at the typical user base that uses mainstream social media platforms, like TikTok, I don’t see them being knowledgeable about some china centered alternative app
I just don’t see, how so many would switch to that, as most of them wouldn’t have known about it a week ago.
Was it promoted on TikTok?
Personally I still don’t believe that a completely unknown app was suddenly getting new members in the means of some grassroots protest.
Maybe it is more (or gotten) more known through TikTok and that’s why it was basically unknown for me.
Still, I think this is artificially hyped as a reaction to a potential TikTok ban and not some organic growth - even taking into account people switching in protest
I think, I’ve heard about this app like once in the last years. And, not wanting to sound self centered, but as a software dev and quite interested in anything internet, I find this development rather strange.
Was “little red book” promoted on TikTok or how did so many people, who are usually just consumers of feeds, suddenly heard of that new app?
Especially, when I have a really hard time to have them install a new app, like Signal, in other cases.
Ok, this wasn’t really a good answer to your comment, sorry. You’re right, that the TikTok feed just builds individual bubbles, so right wingers will get more right wing info and the other way round.
But the sudden switch to a practically unknown app just… seems fishy
Isn’t it already a right wing propaganda machine?
Is Domino even using real cheese?
I tried their “pizza” once and it was barely stomachable
Maybe it’s better in the USA than in Europe, but I can’t imagine why this is a successful chain.
It’s not even cheap…
Upvote for Tuxedo!
After like 2 or 3 years with my Pulse 15 the battery started to pillow. They sent my a replacement for free.
Now I’m having a Framework 16 and didn’t use my Pulse 15, so I gave it to my nephew. But I saw that the CMOS battery was dead. Wrote them a mail and they are now sending my a replacement battery for free.
All in all, great company
True that, but then the baby would also need to be sectioned, no?
But, I want to give up now, I get that I’ve viewed it wrong
That one didn’t seem double on first sight
I’m actually not sure if I’m falling for a joke here, but that’s how I remember that a spine looks like
Even if it’s a section view, there shouldn’t be 2 of them… Or maybe I just don’t see it correctly…
Edit: ah, now I somehow see it. But still, it doesn’t really look correct with the spinal cord like splitting it. Although given that this would be a bit hard to visualise in a 2D slice…
I’m still not convinced that this is actually correct ;-)
Why is nobody talking about the fucking double spine?
Or am I somehow stupid and interpreted that fucked up graphic wrong - if that even is possibly, because so much is wrong with that?
One of those things I desperately want, no, need!, but never really know, what I actually would do with it…
Still, this thing seems too cool to not get - and at that price, not much is lost
Not so sure about that
Many words, especially combined ones, have implicit meaning, because of the words they use
It’s not like ‘chainsaw’ could mean a ‘mouse trap’, because we already know what a saw and what a chain is
Of course in principle words are consensual social constructs, but I always find it highly irritating, that we throw out the baby with the water, by saying, nothing means anything until we decide on it