No, Signal announced they won’t implement interoperable messaging.
I don’t know. But from my experience most mobile apps lack moderation capabilities.
Great! We’re happy to take your help. If you don’t mind, I’ll leave it up to you to decide who you want to appoint as more mods?
Grazie per averlo sottolineato di nuovo. Ci attiveremo per trovare nuovi moderatori.
Ich verstehe, dass das anstrengend ist, ständig mit sowas konfrontiert zu werden. Es freut mich, wenn damit eine akzeptable Lösung gefunden wurde, die dir auch die Kopfschmerzen hoffentlich ein bisschen erspart :)
Du könntest dich auch einfach etwas sachlicher und differenzierter ausdrücken; dann könnten wir auf das Theater mit einem neuen Account alle zwei Wochen verzichten…
Deswegen mein Appell an dich, komm doch einfach mal runter und überleg einen Moment bevor du einen Kommentar verfasst. Das würde dir und uns Arbeit ersparen.
Danke für dein Verständnis.
Too bad PP is gaining the votes VOX lost.
Wenn man allgemein so schaut, also auch in die Kommentare hier, scheinen die anderen Europäer ganz schön prüde zu sein.
Quadlet is such a nice tool. I never liked docker as a process supervisor because it was way inferior to systemd, which is why I was leaning towards podman anyway. Quadlet finally provides a sensible declarative configuration alternative to docker-compose, which integrates so well with systemd. Combined with Ansible, Quadlet is a nice alternative to NixOS. Can’t wait for the latest version with support for .pod files to land in Alma’s repos.
For those interested in an example, slrpnk.net apparently uses quadlet for its deployment, see here.
It’s not been done this year in particular but it’s always nice to be able to travel visa free (and without ID checks at the borders) through Europe. Made my trip to Croatia much nicer.
That’s owncloud, from which Nextcloud was forked.
Thank you. A left shift would be really nice.
The paywall makes it hard to give a definitive answer
The IETF recently adopted a standard on E2E encryption. Perhaps the law will mandate the implementation of MLS.
Source: https://www.ietf.org/blog/mls-secure-and-usable-end-to-end-encryption/
(there is also a quite good article on a German IT magazine, maybe check this out using DeepL)
I prefer to define the UI in application code, because separation introduces a lot of overhead for bindings.
Nevertheless, I think it is important separate UI code from business logic.
Indeed, the existence of life on Earth as a whole is not threatened by climate change (probably not even humanity). I’d consider it a matter of ethics regarding the life of individuals though.