I love DDG, but if you want non-AI results, just use a different search, like !s (startpage, which uses Google)
I love DDG, but if you want non-AI results, just use a different search, like !s (startpage, which uses Google)
No Gemini (Google’s AI) results.
Great comparison, a dialect used by millions of people to a dead language. It really shows how much you care about the people who speak that dialect…
The release doesn’t say it’s going FOSS. It doesn’t specify, but it hints that it’ll be “Source Available”. Stuff like:
Winamp will remain the owner of the software and will decide on the innovations made in the official version.
I don’t think that’s a fair assessment, and I’m someone who’s pretty invested in both projects (I’ve been using Beeper for almost a year and I’m still wearing a Pebble).
Signal is only officially distributed through Google Play, so their APK isn’t reproducible, and I believe it still contains binary blobs.
Sure, but any messaging app (including Signal) could have these backdoors in place. Heck, there’s even vectors for unrelated apps on your phone to read this data once unencrypted.
Would it not be E2EE? Isn’t that one of the reasons for using the Signal protocol?
Thanks for the links. As I read it, none of that is saying their ratio is below 1:1, just that they switch between vehicles as needed.
And the “what their operators do” link sounds like they are the equivalent of a driving instructor sitting in the passenger seat, giving instructions but not “directly controlling” the vehicle.
I haven’t heard about Waymo being below 1:1. Do you have a source? I’d love to read it.
AVs don’t have a driver, instead they have 1.5 operations staff per vehicle.
It’s not happening.
Because he’s heavily invested in Nebula and believes their system is better for him and other creators in the long term. That doesn’t mean he believes YouTube monetization doesn’t work at all, just he prefers to keep bonus videos on Nebula to entice users to join.
He is using YouTube’s monetization…
In this case, it doesn’t seem like the patents are “awfully broad”. Masimo is actively selling products using the patents, and it seems likely that Apple stole their technology.
I live on the planet where corporations will do the right thing when it’s cheaper. Making drastic changes to infrastructure every 4-8 years isn’t cheap, and some (though not all) will decide it’s not worth the hassle and bad publicity.
I don’t think I’m agreeing. I was saying many businesses will give up and just follow net neutrality all the time, instead of changing constantly with new regulations.
I disagree.
While imperfect, it’s far from irrelevant.
That is a rather big ask and maybe that effort would be better directed elsewhere.
Also, think of it this way. Isn’t it a bit crazy we send lines of pressurized, explosive gas directly to most homes in North America? If we do need to keep burning natural gas, we can do that in power plants and get about the same, if not better efficiency by using this electrical generation with heat pumps.
I haven’t seen this argument listed yet, but my reason for wanting to go off natural gas is how much we lose in transmission. I don’t feel like finding sources right at this moment but most estimates I’ve seen are ~2%, and methane is a pretty potent greenhouse gas.
FYI !m is also Google Maps.