The other one represents James’ temptation to escape accountability for his actions by saying “I was just doing hot girl shit lmao idk” and then proceed to go out and be worse
The other one represents James’ temptation to escape accountability for his actions by saying “I was just doing hot girl shit lmao idk” and then proceed to go out and be worse
I could swear I set an alarm, but I might have turned it off and fell back asleep…
Oh, shit. Was that today??
Well, let 'em come over and we can all clip coupons together
Right. When we were all laughing at the people who would have genuine reactions to things people would say to them on the internet because “the internet is serious business lmao,” that was totally fine and a different thing. It’s those damn zoomers that fucked it all up. Right.
Not enough Floppa posting these days. I fear the old ways are being lost to time. I fear I, too, will be as dust, lost to the gales of obscurity some nearby day.
Post more fucking caracals so I don’t have to think about my stupid mortality or something ty👍
Question: what if my Mass Effect ending color doesn’t match my gay sex color? Should I be concerned?
A vision of a future for America where everyone’s included, everyone’s represented, and everyone can join hands in friendship as one? Now that’s Thinking Outside the Bun™.
*In Corolla intensifies*
I figure it’s that she’s as much an elf as Izu is a tallman, which is what she’s shown as
It’s easier than you think! Tony Stark became Iron Man by wearing a special suit, right? That’s the secret!
That’s right! You can upgrade your manhood today simply by dressing like a Fe Male! Confused? Don’t worry! There are plenty of resources available! Simply Google “how to dress like a FeMale” and follow whatever results you find without question!
This new type of male belongs to the periodic table of elements. Known for their magnetic charm and iron will above all other types, scientists call this new type Fe Males!!!
Could you secretly be a Fe Male???
Not pictured: Doug’s brother Jack
(I know it’s painfully unoriginal, but I do what I want in this absurd world and I cannot be stopped)
Bro types like he just got whacked with a warm wiener, twice
Not a fan of the royal ‘we’, then, I take it?
Not all squares are rectangles, but all rectangles are insecure dweebs who need to find something better to do.
Ah, reminds me of being unemployed and depressed.
Not having to wake up at 6am was nice, though