The fallacy here is the idea that they care in any way about what gamers WANT.
They care about what gamers are willing to PAY for.
When I get bored with the conversation/tired of arguing I will simply tersely agree with you and then stop responding. I’m too old for this stuff.
The fallacy here is the idea that they care in any way about what gamers WANT.
They care about what gamers are willing to PAY for.
Absolutely. It’s sucked a lot longer than that.
What if you’re pirating to avoid agreeing to an EULA that lets a giant corporation murder your family members?
Username (of poster, not OP) checks out.
Ariel has her voice? What’d she trade for legs in this universe?
People post this like the conclusion isn’t absolutely correct.
You’re right of course, but you’re also wasting your breath.
In 2024 the business sociopaths have so many people so twisted and screwed up in the head that they can’t even CONCEIVE of the idea of a person or organization focused on delivering a product sustainably rather than “MONEY MONEY MONEY, NOM NOM NOM!” for eternity.
If they are shit at communicating it will affect share prices which could end a company. They have to say the right things at the right times or they could potentially break laws by saying the wrong things.
I notice, very glaringly, you didn’t mention a SINGLE thing about the company running efficiently, being profitable, producing something of value…
It’s not that the company could end if it doesn’t do well at what it does. It’s that the company could end if fickle, short-term focused asshats aren’t happy, and to keep them happy, you need a head fickle, short-term focused asshat at the helm.
God, I wish every company could just be private.
Always someone taking their fandom too seriously I guess.
Also Trump is still an actual candidate and people are rightfully terrified. That does things to people’s sarcasm detectors.
Then there are the people who recognize it’s a joke/sarcasm and just think it’s too serious to joke about, and they’re entitled to their opinion. It IS serious, but I will never allow that to get in the way of a joke.
Is it too late to elect Trump and end democracy?
Good point.
“Me writing a script that looks for my obituary, and when it finds it, sends memes from my account to my friends, until one of the random memes is a webp, python starts throwing errors in an infinite loop, it doesn’t properly reset the timer because I had that inside the try block, and the whole system crashes from an error log file eating all the hard disk space 2 days later.”
Totally get you, man.
But being in the exact same boat many years down the line from you, only continue not swiping if you’re okay with eventually being completely dead inside, unable to find joy in any part of your life anymore, having difficulty leaving your own house, and plagued day in and day out with regret. If you really want to be alone, it’s fine, but the very fact you’re on Tinder at all is telling. If you really want somebody, the loneliness WILL absolutely fuck you up irreparably.
This club has plenty of empty seats. Hope you don’t end up in one.
The absolute most salient proof of the inadequacy of market capitalism is that when the mobile market consolidated, THESE are the two choices we wound up with. Talk about a giant douche and a turd sandwich…