Keep a can next to the bed 🤢
Hmm which depreciates faster?
No. You actually know that the world isn’t ending because you’re still going to work 😅
Ban, you say?
And why is presidents day called Washington’s birthday?
😹 Not that I can separate the back of that page from the front of the next. Those are some thin pages!
Spend 5x as long as the original task generalizing it,and it doesn’t work 🙃
Ah of course, the tomato website but it’s beans.
Awesome!! 3348 is the best I can get 😁
Excellent work! I formally propose an easter egg that changes the image to tow-mater from cars the movie.
Gotta make the bun alert system its own site
Amazing! Can you add a high score tracker?
Thats what i had in mind… :( i guess the world is more secure now but it dont work no more
Website that puts cobwebs on another website chosen by the user (via an iframe?)
Til. I thought switches would decrement ttl but that makes perfect sense.
And are full of untold mathematical horrors, just like physical lamps.