I have this as a sticker on my water bottle
I have this as a sticker on my water bottle
kickstart is another great starting point for tinkerers
I went to a trivia night at a local bar with a guy from high school and his family. We were in contention for the top. The whole night I was useless, since most of the questions were about European sports legends or actors or singers from the 20th century. The guy starts feeling up the last question:
“This is a tricky one and one of my favorites. Going to the realm of technology… What is the name for a unit of measurement, named after a Disney character, which is related to how far your mouse moves?”
The whole family looks at me, cause I’m known to be a tech guy.
Complete blank. Flustered. Uhhh uhmmm it’s called DPI? Pointer speed?? Is there a Disney character called Peter Pointer?..
We lost. They were disappointed, but not as disappointed as I was in myself.
Went up to the trivia guy at the end to ask him to show his sources. He pulled up a legit looking wikipedia article so I accepted my defeat.
Sequel to cocaine bear looking good
Last one is the derivation of the quadratic formula by completing the square
Aren’t pants a sphere with two holes? (A double torus?)
Edit: a 3d pair of pants is a double torus, a 2d one is a sphere with three holes
VS Code has some pretty good ide features for python, including understanding types, highlighting errors and warnings, linting, navigation features such as go to definition or go to references, and basic refactoring capabilities like rename symbol. These features are enabled by the python language server (pylance, in this case, which is Microsoft’s proprietary one).
You can also get the same features in other editors that support the language server protocol. For example, I use neovim and my setup supports those same IDE features I used to use in VS Code for python.
Really into these dutch invasion memes eh?
I really love PowerPoint. I feel like the automatic snapping features and general polish allow me to make very pretty slides with a high level of control, and it feels way better to use than e.g. web-based alternatives. Admittedly, I haven’t tried a foss alternative in years.
I cannot for the life of me figure out what was redacted