PETA has accomplished a lot for animal rights, and I believe that a few controversies shouldn’t overshadow their positive contributions.
PETA has accomplished a lot for animal rights, and I believe that a few controversies shouldn’t overshadow their positive contributions.
Got a precharged battery ready to be replaced
Eternity is great too!
I made a similar meme! I like your format too :)
Nowhere, because communism hasn’t been realized yet.
Every person has their needs met, even if they don’t want to work. Capitalism is artificially creating scarcity to keep profits up. We can create a world where everyone has their needs met by the few that want to provide those needs. That world does not require a state.
Same here, wtf is that?
What does crossfit have to do with morality?
Just switch series monitoring to “All Episodes” and then do “Search Monitored”, or use Jellyseerr.
Both handle old seasons perfectly, I’ve not had any individual episode downloads.
Já, takk.